Domestic life. Suburbia. I can only take so much of it for so long before I feel the corners close in around me. The creativity is crimped and I’m asked to do the dishes on a whim. No wonder it’s times like these I feel like the adolescent Nick. Complete freedom and expanse to constraint. That’s often how I felt growing up here in San Diego
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I've probably told you this story before but reading your entry so reminded me of those days and how lately I have really been thinking of high school and how certain mentors really influenced how I am pursuing my life. Let's face it, Ojeda is one of the people that inspired me to study film. But will I go back and visit him anytime soon, probably not. It's like you said, he kind of gave us wings. I don't think he gave us a boomerang to swing back to him for more. :)~ Having said this saying hello and thanks is important, but maybe just once, who knows?
The rest of your entry speaks volumes, Nick. I trust your judge of character and agree with you on the generation gap that you and I have with Trevor's demographic and how people his age may have views on the world today. It can be disheartening. I hope and trust that Trevor will use his good to influence the rest, and knowing Janelle will too. :)~
Thanks for letting me reply, Nick. I know that I love reading what you write and that you appreciate my reply. That's what friends just know. :) We'll make plans to get together soon.
Jess, thank you for your friendly and thoughtful reply. You know I always value your thoughts. That's interesting, I didn't know you had such a connection with Ojeda too. But you seemed to be one of the few who really got the concept of "go on, fly." Clearly I didn't. ;)
Listen, we really should get together soon. I need a lady's advice on some things. How about sometime tomorrow (Thursday) for coffee or something?
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