Nov 10, 2008 18:06
Yep, another game that is!
Ratchet and clank quest for booty as it's gracefully called. A continuation of Tools of Destruction that was released on Ps3 back in 2007.
This is like a small expansion pack of that game that you download from PSN and play, there is also a small quantity of BD discs made for the stores.
This game is about 3-4 hours long but it's damn good time I tell ya, great action, awesome controls and graphics and satisfying weapons and enemies and as always the great voice acting that feels like a Pixar/Dreamworks movie with the corny but still funny jokes as always in the Ratchet series. I like the message you get after the credits have played out; To be continued in autumn 2009,or maybe it said spring, I really forgot. XD
Overall a great game with a low price, 14 or 19$ on the US PSN.
Now I will focus my gaming time on Valkyria Chronicles again.
Speaking of that, Lania, is it friday anytime soon? is it, is iiiiiiiit?