Fandoms I Rec and Why For First Timers

Dec 30, 2015 23:08

Well, here goes my NEXT attempt at a journal.  I thought what I might do this time was a little different from just blathering on about anything that pops into my head.  Since that's never been particularly brilliant or stimulating I thought I'd buy a clue and write about something I actually like!  Imagine that.  Hmm.  Now, you may ask what I'm so eager to write about.  As of right now I'm going to attempt the insanity of doing a rec page for several fic fandoms as well as reccing for other links I just find to fabulous to resist.   So still out of my head, really, but I'm narrowing it down...really.

I'm going to list some of the fandoms I'll be reccing for, so maybe anybody that's interested will know whether they're wasting their time reading here or not.  OH!  And I thought I'd even give my slant on who I lean towards in a fandom or why I like a particular link so you won't have to shut your eyes and click hoping I like the same kind of fic you do.  There's nothing I hate more than wasting time hunting for a good story to read because I've looked through half a dozen good looking SGA stories only to find out the author is a big Sheppard fan.  Not that I don't like him, but Rodney is just it for me.  *sigh*  Anywho, here's some of the stuff I'll be reccing.

Note:  These fandoms are in order according to how they entered my head...not alphabetical order.  There be Gen and Slash here...and one Het pairing.  Don't tell anybody. ;)  And above all else I say below, I value good stories with great characterization, and if there's that then it goes a long way.

Stargate Atlantis - John/Rodney, Ronon/Rodney, Carson/Rodney or any other So-and-So/Rodney that I see worthy of placement. ;)
Slant:  I lean toward epic size fic or close where Rodney is adored and/or appreciated, happy endings, hurt/comfort, angst, and the odd smushiness that comes with smarm sometimes.  Oh, and I'm kind of a bottom-Rodney fan, though I still like the true McKay attitude to be in full force as usual.  I'm an advocate for a strong bottom guy apparently.  I believe guys can be vulnerable and strong...there's no reason to sacrifice the former just to be 'manly men'.

Stargate SG-1 - Jack/Daniel and Teal'c/Daniel mainly.  However, I have had the odd OMC/Daniel come into the scene that just does something for me, but its the rare exception.
Slant: with everything.  And like all my favorite fics, I love my favorite character, in this case Daniel, to be bottoms.  Dunno why.  Some bottom stories change the characterizations which tend to make "bottom" whoever stories a little frowned upon by those who really like good characterization, but I try to find those that maintain the character.  Hard to do I know.  Again, Daniel appreciation, hurt/comfort, happy endings, angst, etc.  Are you noticing a theme?  There is a note, though that does go with Daniel in particular, though.  While I like the metamorphosis of Daniel's character over the years, I do miss the innocence and wonder of the first couple of you might see a lot of those kinds of stories, too.

Star Wars:  Episodes I-III - Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan.  Period. ;)
Slant:  Same thing, really.  I adore Obi-Wan, so if you read the notes from right above here you'll know what I like from my fav character.  I am sort of a sucker for a clean shaven Obi, though.  Not a huge fan of Qui-Gon having his head up his ass about Obi-Wan because he's 'been wounded' by Xanatos or something else entirely.  I understand that, but some stories just go too far with it.  Then they have Obi-Wan falling all over himself apologizing to Qui-Gon when the man treated Obi like crap!  Ahem.  Anywho.  H/C, happy endings, epics, etc.  Hehe.

Lord of the Rings - Aragorn/Legolas, Gimli/Legolas, Elrond/ Legolas, Elladan/Elrohir/Legolas, Eomer/Legolas and anyone else with Legolas that I think is written well.
Slant:  Again Legolas is my fav, so that tells you a LOT.  I really stress here, though, that I do sort of have a kink about guys that aren't afraid to have a bit of femininity.  Well it comes up here big time.  I'm not saying they need to walk around in a dress and stilettos, but Legolas is just beautiful.  There's no denying it if you like him at all in the books or the movie.  Strength and vulnerability.  Big thing for me.  Oh, and stories that bring up surprises about Legolas' elf-self kinda thrill me, too.  I'm not too thrilled with any of the modern-day AU in this fandom, though.  Seems like they're too full of authors that only want to stick themselves in the story...which seems to send the plot down the tubes before it even starts.  H/C, epics, blah blah.

The Magnificent Seven - Buck/Ezra, Chris/Ezra, Vin/Ezra, and Nathan/Ezra.  Josiah acts too much like Ezra's daddy, and I'm sooo not going there.  JD, um, no.  
Slant:  The feminine thing comes up again for me.  I just think there's something feminine about Ezra, and I love him for it.  My absolute favorite pairing here is Buck/Ezra because I've read Mac's Lavender, and that story just gets me every time I read it.   Again, I repeat, H/C and novel-length stuff.  I like where everyone or some of the boys realize Ezra's not really what they thought he was, especially if that's a good thing in the end.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Angel - Spike/Xander and Giles/Xander or the rare occasion with Angel/Xander or OMC/Xander.
Slant:  There's just something about those big anime eyes of Xander's and all that floppy, dark hair.  Mmm mmm.  And there's something about having a guy in the pairing that has been 'touched by the dark side' that just brings out the best kinks in all of fandom.  Woo!    Blood-play, biting...oh the list goes on and on.  Plus, the angst and h/c can get really dark and serious, which I like sometimes, too.  I'm not, though, into Spike being brutal and cruel to Xander or anyone being that way to Xander really.  Well...accept for the h/c part. ;)   Oh, a Spike that is cuddly to Xander but all tough and snarley to others just blisses me out.  Same tags as all the others.  Xan's my fav.

Harry Potter - Ron/Harry, Sirius/Harry, and Snarry, .  I'm finally starting to get some pairings in this one.
Slant:  I adore Harry and his angsty life. Lol!  I've figured out that the kind of Harry I like to read is naive yet not, open minded (or at least quick to change his mind when need be), and brave yet realistically afraid of all the truly horrible drama in his life.  I love stuff where people actually get that Harry's doing pretty damn well considering everything, and he would have done better if people had been truthful with him from the start. Oh, and I love it when authors write characters (particularly Severus) understanding that Harry is definitely NOT James' clone in attitude.  Also, Ginny is sooo not even gonna date Harry.  She's like his sister for cryin' out loud!   I mean...eww.

Star Trek:  Enterprise - John/Trip, Phlox/Trip, Malcolm/Trip, and *gasp* T'Pol/Trip.  Who'd have thought?  A HET pairing.  Probably the only one I'll ever admit to agreeing with.
Slant:  Well, I adore Trip like I do Ezra from Mag7.  That southern charm just pulls me in, and he seems to be one of the most fleshed out and true characters that existed on that show.  The normal guy who is attracted to a very strong woman and isn't afraid of it.  Thank you!  I think that's why I actually like the HET pairing here sometimes.  T'Pol actually reads to me sometimes like the stronger one of the two, and I love that.  Again, tags apply.


I think that's it for now.  When I rec some stuff I might add more or a note here and there to clear up any of the foggy bits.  Heh.  Foggy bits?  Where?  And if I find new fandoms I'll tell you that, too. :)  Hope this'll help somebody.  Maybe.  Toodles!

mag7, btvs/angel, hpotter, enterprise, ficrecs, episode1, sga, lotr, sg-1

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