Title: Just Lay Next To You
Author: knowyourlips
Prompt: 047 Heart
Wordcount: 100
Rating: PG
Pairing: Ryan/Colin
The one word they avoid
AN: Title stolen from Hoobastank's 'Unaffected'
The one word they avoid is - surprisingly - not love.
("Love you," he whispers - his voice a little hoarse, because his voice is almost obnoxiously loud, naturally, "so much," he adds, kissing him again, and Colin's hands tremble a little as he tugs on his shirt.)
It's not Deb - or Pat - or Sam or anything like that.
(But they try to avoid them, all the same).
The one word he can (will) never coax out of Ryan - no matter how gently he touches him - how firmly he grips - how softly he kisses - is forever.