
Oct 02, 2011 13:05

Yes. Well then.

As utterly charming as this place is -- and, honestly, it is an attractive a location. It's not at all where I'd intended myself to be, walking out of the door a moment ago.

And as for your note? I can't say I'm terribly impressed with such a blatant attempt at coercion. While I must admit your ability to abduct a person without their knowledge is rather impressive, by no means does that mean you've swayed my opinion or earned my cooperation. I have never heard of you, nor your keep. You had best try harder than that to be intimidating, I'm afraid.

Now, will you be cooperative and respond? Or shall I see myself out?

Judging from your obstinate lack of response, I'm inclined to believe it will be the latter.

what are wheelchairs, !ic, totally the leader guys, diplomacy ish, professor derp, i use big words and i cannot lie, fire up the mutant powers

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