Nov 30, 2008 13:28
☆ Threadhopping with this character - yes/no/maybe so?: Go ahead! Though usual "private/serious conversations ask first" and all.
☆ Backtagging with this character - yes/no/maybe so?: I backtag as my way of RPing half the time, so yes, please do.
☆ Hugging this character?: He is very huggable, so feel free.
☆ Giving this character a kiss?: Go for it! Though if you're a guy, he'll assume you're the kinky sort and he's not into that, sorry.
☆ Punching this character: Yes you may, though he will punch back and he's actually really strong (he threw a dude over his shoulder once) so you're warned that he'll go into kick-your-ass mode.
☆ Is there anything ought not be mentioned near this character?: Nope, he's pretty much 'derp' about everything. There might be couple of things of vaguely upsetting natural but nah.
☆ Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character? Special physical features, fighting abilities, STUFF: Chris is COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY NORMAL. He is an average human. He has no special powers. He's just wonderfully silly Chris.
☆ Anything else, please mention here: As usual if you need me, I'm on AIM often at tasogare sage or just leave me a comment here - or somewhere, really, I don't mind - to get a hold of me.