8 - Accidental Audio / Action?

May 04, 2011 16:28

[There's a soft gasp. The otherwise comatose body stirs. He's bone pale, and in a good deal of pain, but he's alive. This time. And he's in an unfamiliar pod.]

[He lifts a shaking hand, studying it. The other, badly damaged arm doesn't move. He speaks, mostly to himself, in a hoarse, tired voice.]

Still not Hell, I see...

[Hakkai clears his throat.]

... I'm not certain where it is I've ended up. If someone could please fill me in...? And I... wouldn't say no to some water, either.

can't keep a sinner down, did you want to wake up in hell?, bleeding and broken, brain broke, no can has kappa support, ow my everything

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