[Meme] State of the Union v. 2 / [Quiz] Hookers v. 2

Oct 07, 2008 00:38

I tried to keep this brief. It still took me like an hour to type up.


IC: Ion misses Anise. He will always miss her (until someone apps her COUGHCOUGH), but he's glad she got to go home, so he can manage. He still loves being in camp and everyone and meeting new people and is a Jesus, etc.

OOC: In the past couple weeks he's become my primary. SURPRISE. I love playing him lots again and I'm really excited about the new anime -- I'm happy and zen with him.

Ideas: I've had a post I've wanted to do for a long time. It's not the most original post ever, but I am totally going to do it. Ion still has never posted lol.

Dropping: NO!!! Okay maybe in a year. I see him burning out eventually, but I don't see it happening for a very long time.


IC: Oh god I turned into a girl and went on a date with Shinonome and Kuchiha o///////o! LA LA CAMP IS CAMP AND LIFE IS TOTALLY NORMAL omg o//////o

OOC: Toki has switched places with Ion and gone from my primary to my backburner. I don't think this is permanent at all! I still think of Toki as my real primary and always will, and it's not that I'm having trouble with him right now. I'm just busier playing other characters more.

Ideas: A LOT. I forget. Eye stuff with Bonten, finding those possessed dolls he talked about with Kantarou?

Dropping: WHY WOULD I. No really, never. Ever ever ever. ♥


IC: s-sob i dunno.

OOC: I love Roy a lot, but he is so not my type of character to RP. That said, I kind of like having him because of that. He's my combo breaker from "nice" characters who don't go around being asses on purpose. I can't play this type of character excessively, but once in a while it's a very nice change.

Ideas: Bodyswitch with Frey? Co-post with one of my others.

Dropping: I don't actually want to drop him. I feel like I should sometimes, but then I remember lol this is Roy and nobody else would ever app him so I don't have to feel bad about sitting on him. I don't spam with him, but I play him enough, I think.


IC: Lyserg does not like camp and does not like being stuck there. D< He wants to go home and help end the Shaman Fight already. But he has Yoh to Jesus him when he starts worrying too much, and the Maiden's presence gives him hope for an end to camp's eeevil, he will survive.

OOC: I have a bunch of OOC issues with Lyserg, but the funny thing is, none of them really make him hard to play. Overall, he's probably my easiest character after Toki. My only real worry is that I don't worry enough about him, lulz.

Ideas: Camp messing with his diary. Start participating in fight club and the like.

Dropping: I'd only drop him if the rest of the cast dropped, and even then I might not. I love him a loooot.


IC: "WE'RE STUCK?! D: -- But I'm with Brother and Miakis again! :D -- But STUCK! D: -- Ooh shouty machines and flying ships! :D -- We need to go home guys D:"

OOC: Lym is new and fun and I can't wait to play her more!

Ideas: . . . bodyswitch with Frey?

Dropping: Too new, but I think she's the same as Lyserg: only going if the cast does.


I work, I have class once a week, I am trying to keep myself out of danger of carpel-tunnel, and now I keep getting sick. So I have less time to play, which sucks because I'm in a pretty good place with playing right now. I need to make one of those "poke me to pick up your thread" posts and stop being afraid to comment late or with placeholders. \o/

And now, as a bonus, here's how my characters rank against each other in the "How Much Are You Worth in Bed" quiz:

1. Lyserg ($1,071)
2. Toki ($933)
3. Ion ($857)
4. Lym ($842)
5. Roy ($780)

. . . SO! Yeah.

quiz type thing, meme

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