[ Kazuha was in one of Goldenrod's malls. While Heiji and Conan seemed to be busy with the Paintball Event happening in the city, Kazuha decided to go to the mall with Yuki, Heiji's Jynx so that she could have a shopping partner.
Because Yuki was carrying Kazuha's purse and Kazuha was too busy and distracted looking at one rack to another, Yuki took out Kazuha's gear and began filming. Kazuha looks extremely happy and no one could blame her. After many days of traveling and sleeping outdoors, she was only glad to be in civilization again.
Since Kazuha had Bas burn most of Heiji's clothes, she was shopping more for him than herself. Familiar fashion? It should be pretty clear now who really does Heiji's shopping. ]
Ah! Yuki! Yuki!
Look here! What do you think?
[ Kazuha was holding up two sets of shirt and denim jackets.
This in one hand and
this in the other. ]
I can't seem to decide...
...do you think I should get both?
I should ask Aoko-cha----
[ Her eyes becomes very sad despite the fact that she looked like she was still smiling. ]
Ne, Yuki-chan... she's alright, right?
Her Dewgong... Aoko-chan's Dewgong... being with me doesn't mean that she's gone, right?
[ After seeing Kazuha's sad expression, Yuki turned off the gear. ]