Permissions Post

Nov 10, 2010 15:00

Enter the creeper. No, seriously. Kunsel's so good at finding things out about people that it's genuinely unnerving. Not even his closest friends are safe from his snooping ways! Of course, there's a time and a place to use the information he acquires, and being a snoop doesn't mean he's got a big mouth... nevertheless, permissions are in order ( Read more... )


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girl_unlocking December 6 2010, 18:53:27 UTC
i. Yes.
ii. Anything she's said that isn't private is fair game. Depending on who he talks to - that she likes to throw muffins off rooftops and break lampposts, signs and people's hats, maybe that she's been around when some things have gone missing (a padded bra, a pair of earrings, a few books.). She can't breakdance - she practices by the window. It's terrible. She has crushes on both Kaien and Trevor and kind of Galatea THAT SHE TALKS TOO DAMN MUCH, IDK.
iii. Yes.
iv. Yep.
v. LOL yes.
vi. Absolutely.

i. Yes, but it'll be harder than stalking Dawn!
ii. Lupin's his best bet if he wants honest answers, but since her little impromptu fight with Sakura and subsequent jailbreak, she's had to move her residence closer to the Mist. Natives will say that she's creepy, condescending and very haughty, and that she's got a nasty temper. Neighbors ikely heard her yelling when she lived in the city. Her former residence in Anatole was inhabited by a Native who has been missing for months. They may also comment on her odd, blonde servant that they have not seen in some time.
iii. No.
iv. Yes!
v. Yes, but she may not answer. <.<
vi. Yes, and good luck with the 'blackmail' part.
vii. How difficult would it be for a batshit crazy skilled Legilimens to get into his head? XD

i. Yes.
ii. She's not all that private from an outsider's perspective - she shares a residence with Lupin, there's a mostly blind old man that lives below her that she reads to (he's one of the proprietors of Tea Saucerer's.) in exchange for the apartments above. She also keeps a place in Dismas. Gets a lot of things for free by way of manipulation and on account of her looks - doesn't seem to want for things at all. She hired Badou to follow Scar. She uses two names (Miss Silk, Iolanthe) but almost never her true name. She likes to peoplewatch. Prone to trolling Riza and Roy when drunk or bored. Drinking also leads to kissing strangers. Often found in the market and shop areas, buying up books (and records whenever she can find them). Likes to sit by herself in a ruined belltower near the docks.
iii. No.
iv. Yes.
v. Yes!
vi. Yes.

i. Yes.
ii. Not a lot. She's not very commune-y with the Natives, so other than "tall, blonde, rarely smiles, carries a sword, likes buckles, and apparently used to have one arm" they won't have much to say, if anything. Occasionally seen in the public park.
iii. Probably not. But maybe?
iv. Yes.
v. Yes.
vi. Again, yes.

*I'm only really answering from some of the Natives perspectives? Other Scorched can say anything they like XD


knows_it_all December 6 2010, 19:33:06 UTC
vii. Honestly, it probably wouldn't be too hard... I don't think he's had much experience by way of combating mind attacks of any sort, and his helmet's got nothing on Magneto's, so...


girl_unlocking December 6 2010, 20:05:41 UTC
Awesome! Er. I mean. TERRIBLE.


knows_it_all December 6 2010, 20:07:07 UTC
Oi, you got a permissions for me to fill out in turn, then? For her?


girl_unlocking December 6 2010, 20:24:27 UTC
I don't! Yet! But I'm working on that. :o


knows_it_all December 6 2010, 20:31:01 UTC
Awesome sauce! You'll make sure to link me when you get it up, yeah~?


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