
Oct 15, 2007 11:19

Okay, so it's almost 12:30 here in Indy. Who knew eastern time could be so odd? It's been quite the whirlwind weekend here, but I am about ready to get home and see my kittens and my friends, odd as that may be considering I have seen more old friends in the past 48 hours than I normally see in one week in Denver, but...whatever! I guess I like you Denver folks or something!

So, here's the brief:
Arrived Friday. Found out it was Homecoming at my high school. Proceeded to fall asleep. Woke up with a phone call from Sven. Had dinner. Decided it was too late to go to Homecoming. Went to sleep after asking Tim to text if the Rockies won. Which they did! Yay! Go Rockies! Of course, that didn't keep me from sleeping. 
Saturday. I woke up. Stared around and tried to figure out where I was. I decided I should get moving as people were already enroute to Indy to say hello. I called Christine and Mike. They were on their way up from Evansville, but forgot about the time change, so I had an extra hour before their family descended. I checked in with Vickie, who had also forgotten about the time change and was HATING Chicago road-work. Relaxed until the Russels arrived. Met Matt, now 3, for the second time. Met Catie, now 7 months, for the first time. Decided Catie was the happiest baby ever. Hugged Christine and Mike. Both of them still look like they did when I met them in college and at their wedding, though Christine and I had significantly less bobby-pins in our hair :)  Went to Applebee's. Ate lunch with the baby in one arm and watching the Illini game and waiting for Vickie to appear. She arrived, we all enjoyed lunch and the Russels took off for the Children's Museum while Vickie and I caught up and got ready for the wedding that evening. Went to wedding. It was lovely. LOTS OF MUSIC!!! Not surprising. We sang a Rutter song... They actually handed out sheet music, but I already knew it. What is with all the Rutter??? Although, I like For the Beauty of the Earth. Anyhow, good time had by all. Drove around looking at old haunts with Vickie and went to sleep.
Sunday was a whirlwind. Vickie left. Mom and I walked in the Alzheimer's Walk and missed Grandma. Met the Russels at the pumpkin patch for pony and hayrides! Picked pumpkins. Came home. Accomplished some time with the parents. Sven arrived. We had dinner and went out to watch the Rockies. Got tired. Left just in time to miss the GIANT hit by Torrealba!!!  :(  Watched the Rockies win. Talked about college. Went to sleep.
Today has been slow. I figured Sven had died, so I texted to see if he was planning to wake up before noon. He did, I started writing this while he got moving and now we are out to see the town and purchase cheese. Yes, niagra484 (is that right?) we are headed to the cheese shop.
Okay, must be off! Talk to you all soon! More than you ever wanted to know I am sure :)
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