[One-Shot] Too Close

May 08, 2008 21:13

Title: Too Close

Author: Knowmonsta

Pairing: Akame, AkaKame

Words: 911

Genre: Angst

Rating: PG

Summary: Akame faces a large test in their relationship.

Note: My first and probably sorry attempt at angst. And it ends up being slightly fluffy towards the end. Fail. And my first fic about the Akame pairing! I hope you like it ^_^.

Too Close

"It's a bit unusual isn't it? Kazuya-kun sticks to you like a glove. You two are much too close, even for fan service. You should distance yourself from him."

Jin rolled over in his hotel bed and sighed.

"Yeah, and that's really working," he muttered. "Kame and I ended up sharing a room again."

Not that he put up much of a fight against it. It was obvious really. Koki always roomed with Maru. Junno always roomed with Ueda. So naturally, Jin was always with Kame.

He was currently attempting to fall asleep, but the younger man in the bed next to his was interfering with that extremely. Jin always loved to watch Kame sleeping. His features were soft and peaceful, his breathing even. Sometimes his hair would fall around his face and Kame would unconsciously blow it away from his nose and mouth. At those times, Jin would get up and tuck it behind his ears, tracing his hand down Kame's cheek and return to his bed.

It was one of those times tonight. But Jin didn't move: Johnny's words were still in his head.

"Distance yourself away from him."

"Dammit," Jin muttered, tightening his grip on his covers. "Why should it matter? Why should he care who I'm close to?"

Jin growled as realization hit him, forcing him to turn away from Kame's form.

"Johnny-san knows how we feel about each other," he said through gritted teeth. "He doesn't want it to get out. So he thinks by keeping me and Kame separated, it'll fix things."

Jin bit his lip.

"And it's not like we can go behind his back," Jin thought. "Johnny-san sees everything. There's no telling what'll happen if he sees we haven't spilt apart. He might disband us."

Disband. The words hit Jin hard.

"Kame and I would be put somewhere else," he whispered. "Some place separate. Or one of us might be forced to leave the Jimusho for good."

Jin felt a pang of sadness in his chest. He couldn't stand it if he couldn't see Kame, if he couldn't see him smile or hear or voice.

"I have to leave him alone," Jin whispered. "There's nothing I can do. I can't be with him."

Jin saw a wet spot hit his pillow and he quickly touched his eyes. He hadn't even realized he was crying. But now that he did, the tears seemed to fall faster.

"Suck it up Jin," he told himself. "Stop crying. You have to do this for both of you."

But the tears kept falling. A sob escaped his throat. He felt his body start the shake.

"But being so close to him, and not being able to touch him," he thought. "It'll kill me."

His pillow was getting damper by the second. He attempted to hold in his sobs, but they began to make his chest feel tight, and soon they were coming out as if he were choking.

"I don't think I can do it," he thought. "I care about him too much."

He buried his head into his pillow to muffle to sound. He didn't want Kame to hear.

But it was too late for that.


Jin froze, panicking.

"Jin, are you crying?"

"No," Jin whispered. "Go back to sleep, Kazu."

Second later, Jin felt the weight of his bed increase and a body slipped under his covers.

"Jin, look at me."

Jin was still shaking. Kame put a hand on his shoulder.

"Jin, please."

Jin turned and Kame's eyes widened as he saw Jin's tear stained face.

"What's wrong?" he asked, quietly.

Jin shook his head.

"Don't lie to me," Kame replied. "I know you too well. Since when do we not talk?"

Jin still didn't speak. He was afraid that he would start crying again. Kame kissed his cheek. Jin sighed as his soft lips lingered against his skin.

"Kazuya, don't," he breathed as Kame's lips went to his other cheek. "Please don't."

He closed his eyes and a tear fell from each. Kame gently kissed them away.

"Please Jin," he whispered. "I don't like seeing you cry. What's wrong?"

Jin took a deep breath.

"Kazu," he said. "I met with Johnny-san this morning."

"Let me guess, he told you we need to distance ourselves. He gave me the same talk this morning."

Jin nodded. Kame looked at him.

"And you're considering this?" he said, quietly.

"What other choice do we have?"

"Can't we pretend?"

"You saw what happened to Pi and Toma," Jin replied. "Pretending won't work."

Kame nodded.

"If we stay like this he'll split us," he said.

"Yes," Jin replied. "And that's not a risk I'm willing to take."

"Funny you should say that," Kame replied. "Because I am."

Jin blinked.

"Kazu you don't understa-"

" - I understand perfectly," Kame replied. "But Johnny-san's not keeping me from you. Simple as that."

"But if he finds out -"

" - I'll take full responsibility."

"Kazu . . ." Jin whispered, another tear falling down his face.

"Don't cry," Kame said, smiling and hugging him. "It'll be alright."

"I want to believe you."

"Then believe me," Kame whispered. "Believe us, Jin."

Jin nodded and hugged him.

"I love you," Kame told him. "No matter what happens, don't forget that, okay?"

"I love you too," Jin replied, falling asleep.

Kame smiled and kissed his forehead.

"Don't worry Jin," he said, softly. "I'll protect you. I won't let you go, I promise. Somehow . . ."

The End


I hope you liked it!

group: kat-tun, character: kamenashi kazuya, length: one-shot, rating: pg, genre: angst, character: akanishi jin, pairing: akanishi jin/kamenashi kazuya

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