[One-Shot] Softie

Apr 05, 2008 21:15

Title: Softie

Author: Knowmonsta

Pairing: RyoTego

Words:  872

Genre: Romance/Humor

Rating: PG

Summary: Ryo can never stay firm with Tegoshi.

Disclaimer: I don't own NEWS or anyone in JE. It gets more painful each time I say it. :(


The start of the Never Ending Wonderful Story tour was extremely hectic as NEWS checked into their hotel. The rooming pairs were as follows: Shige and Koyama, Yamapi and Massu, and Ryo and Tegoshi.

Ryo and Tegoshi entered the room and both tossed their bags on the bed by thw window. They both looked at each other.

"Who says you get the window bed?" Tegoshi said.

"I do," Ryo said, grinning. "I'm older. It's my right."

"But I should have first pick 'cause I'm younger," Tegoshi insisted. "Come on Ryo-tan please?"

He gave Ryo the most expertly executed pout. Ryo smirked.

"Not a chance," he said.

Tegoshi pouted.

"Please?" he said, attempting to charm Ryo once more.

Ryo crossed his arms.

"Not gonna work, Tego-nyan," he said.

But Tegoshi wasn't ready to give up yet. He concentrated really hard and a small tear trickled down his cheek.

"You don't love me enough to let me have the bed?' he asked softly another tear falling from his eyes.

Ryo bit his lip. This kid was good.

"Don't break," he thought. "Don't break. Stay strong."

"I'm doing this because I love you, Tego-nyan," he said. "You're gonna have to learn that you won't always get your way."

Tegoshi sighed and moved his bag onto the other bed.

"You're right Ryo-tan," he said. "I'll sleep over here."

Ryo smiled. He had won. He had finally won. He fell on his bed and grinned victoriously at Tegoshi who stuck his tongue out at him.

The two suddenly heard a knock on the door and Tegoshi opened it to reveal the rest of NEWS.

"See Shiggy I told you their room was nicer!" Koyama exclaimed.

"The curtains are the only difference," Shige told him, shaking his head.

"Wow the view out at the window's nice," Massu commented.

"I bet it is," Tegoshi muttered.

"Aww don't be sore Tego-nyan," Ryo replied, grinning.

"What happened?" Yamapi asked.

"I refused to let him get the window bed," Ryo replied.

"Oh you're evil!" Koyama exclaimed, hugging Tegoshi. "He's the youngest! He should have the window!"

Ryo and Shige shook their heads. Koyama always fell victim to Tegoshi cute powers.

"He can't win all the time," Ryo said, and Shige nodded.

"He has to learn that," Shige added.

"Hello I'm right here," Tegoshi said, rolling his eyes. "But I don't mind so much. If Ryo-tan's happy, I'm happy too."

Ryo felt a sudden warmth at the sincerity of Tegoshi's words. He got up from the bed.

"Thanks Tego-nyan," he said, ruffling the younger man's hair. Tegoshi smiled and kissed his cheek. "I'll make this up to you."

"Aww," Koyama squealed. "Where's my camera?"

"Ryo you big softie," Shige said, grinning.

Ryo glared at him.


The six spent the next three hours playing video games on Shige's laptop despite his protests (it's for a schoolwork only') and pillow fighting again despite Shige's protests ('Ryo you're hitting way too hard!) and soon Shige, Koyama, Yamapi, and Massu left.

Tegoshi giggled as he fell on his bed.

'That was a lot of fun," he said. "But now I'm all sweaty."

"You can use the shower first," Ryo told him.

"Okay!" Tegoshi exclaimed taking his pajamas out of the drawer and skipping into the bathroom.

Ryo smiled.

"That kid gets too excited over the simplest things," he said.


Tegoshi came out of the bathroom thirty minutes later, fully clothed and jumped into his bed, letting out a huge yawn.

"The bathroom's all yours now," he said. "Goodnight Ryo-tan."

"'night," Ryo said, heading into the bathroom.

Tegoshi waited until Ryo closed and locked the door before he jumped up and scrambled into Ryo's bed, making himself comfortable. He smiled. As usual, he won. Such was the power of god.


Ryo exited the bathroom in his boxers and narrowed his eyes at what he saw. The little sneaky excuse for a person was sleeping soundly in his bed. He had half a mind to push him right off.

But as Ryo approached the bed, he found his anger softening at the sight of Tegoshi. His slightly round face looked a little fuller and a smile was on his face as his chest gently rose and fell.

"Damn his cuteness," Ryo thought smiling. He slide into the bed next to Tegoshi and made himself comfortable. He smiled and gently rubbed his toes against Tegoshi's calf. Tegoshi groaned and opened his eyes, looking straight into Ryo's.

"You're not mad?" he asked, softly.

"You know I can never be mad at you," Ryo replied, smiling. "Now go to sleep."

Tegoshi smiled and closed his eyes, scooting over in the bed to make more room for Ryo.

But Ryo slung an arm around Tegoshi's waist and pulled him against his bare chest. Tegoshi let out a slight gasp in his surprise.

"You wanted to sleep here, you gotta face the consequences," Ryo told him, smirking.

Tegoshi giggled and snuggled against Ryo.

"It's really not that much of a punishment," he said, winking and Ryo chuckled.

"Goodnight Tego-nyan," he said, kissing his forehead.

"Good night . . . you softie," Tegoshi said, smiling as he closed his eyes.

Ryo smiled and ran a hand though Tegoshi's hair, soon after falling asleep.

The End


I hope you liked it!

pairing: nishikido ryo/tegoshi yuya, character: nishikido ryo, character: tegoshi yuya, group: news, genre: romance, rating: pg, genre: humor, length: one-shot

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