[One-Shot] Dedication

May 22, 2008 18:47

Title: Dedication

Author: Knowmonsta

Pairing: Kusame

Words: 381

Genre: Romance/Fluff

Rating: PG

Summary: Kame finds Kusano's devotion to him adorable.

Note: More cavity causing Kusame. ^_^.  I hope you like it!


"Is he asleep?" Kame asked Jin.

"No," Jin replied, shaking his head.

"He's still awake? For Christ's sake it's three in the morning!"

"He refused to sleep until you got back," Jin told him.

"He always does that!" Kame exclaimed. "It's so irking. He's gonna get insomnia if he keeps this up."

"I find it cute in a way," Jin replied, grinning.

Kame smiled.

"It is kind of cute isn't it?" he said.

Jin laughed.

"I'm going home now, Kame-chan," he said. "You go reward your boyfriend for being so dedicated."

Kame blushed slightly and smacked Jin on the top of his head.

"Good night, Bakanishi," he said.

"'night," Jin replied, smiling and leaving.

"And you'd better be going home!" Kame called. "Nothing's going to happen here tonight!"

"Dammit!" Jin called back, leaving from his hiding spot behind the couch and exiting the apartment.

Kame shook his head and went into the bedroom that he and Kusano shared. The second the younger man saw him he jolted up.

"Kamenashi-kun you're finally back!" he exclaimed.

"Now what did I tell you about calling me that?" Kame said, grinning and kissing Kusano on the forehead.

"S-sorry Kazuya," Kusano said, blushing.

Kame laughed.

"Why didn't you go to sleep?" he asked. "I told you that you didn't need to wait up for me."

"I know," Kusano replied. "But as it got later in the night I began to worry."

Kame smiled, pecking his lips.

"Go to sleep now, okay?" he said.

"Are you coming to bed anytime soon?"

"I have to shower first. And no you can't join me this time," Kame added playfully.

Kusano laughed and shifted himself in the bed, Kame throwing the covers over his body. He kissed Kusano's cheek and left into the bathroom.

As expected, Kusano wasn't asleep.

"You know that's not healthy, Hiro," Kame said, frowning.

"I tried," Kusano told him, sheepishly. "In the end I guess I can't sleep without you next to me."

He blushed and Kame grinned, sliding in the bed next to him. He wrapped his arms around Kusano's waist and pulled him closer. Kusano snuggled against his chest.

"Can you sleep now?" Kame asked.

"Mmhmm," Kusano replied, smiling and closing his eyes. "Goodnight, Kazuya."

Kame kissed him.

"Good night Hironori," he replied, smiling.

The End


I hope you liked it! 

pairing: kamenashi kazuya/kusano hironor, group: kat-tun, group: news, character: kamenashi kazuya, genre: romance, genre: fluff, rating: pg, character: kusano hironori, character: akanishi jin

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