with a little help from my friends

Nov 15, 2005 17:01

/ f r i e n d s o n l y /

Just a few notes:

  • With very rare exceptions, if you're under 18? Don't bother. This journal gets NSFW and I refuse to incur any kind of charge related to showing porn to a minor.
  • No matter what your age, no teenyboppers need apply. Ye gods. tyPiNG lyKe thIS is nOT cOoL At all. Neither is "ZOMG JENSEN'S LYKE SO HAWT.!!1!" Show me you can speak English (or French, or Russian, for that matter) and then I might add you.
  • If you're a political conservative, you're welcome to add me, but the first flamey comment when I'm telling you now that this is a very liberal Democratic journal and your ass is blacklisted. I do not take flames re: politics. Debate, yes. Mindless bullshit, no.
  • If you're a fan of my fics or fanmixes or what have you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. :) But please friend decrescendi; that's where all that goes. If you friend my personal journal, I will not add you back unless I think we'll get along. Nothing personal; I just really am not a fan of strangers reading what can be some very personal entries.

    That said, I genuinely enjoy adding new people. Just, it's my journal and I reserve the right to, y'know, not add morons. ♥
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