❧ Sixth Page ❦ Preperation ❦

Nov 11, 2010 08:16

[It's the early morning as Hermione appears making her way out of the cafeteria with a plate of biscuits and jam. She seems to be balancing two cups and a pot of tea along her filled hands skillfully. Despite the several gestures from passing finders to help her, she does not take take their offer and instead continues to walk. She looks up at and floating golem cheerfully.]

I must admit, I'm rather excited about going to India. I've never been there before but I've read so many wonderful things about it! I do hope everyone's mission is both safe and enjoyable. I didn't really do much traveling back home.

[She eventually makes her way up a flight of stairs where the task has become a bit difficult. She whispers something under her breath as the teapot and cups shrink right in front of her eyes!]

That's better!

Duo, I was told I would be going with you to India. If so, would you like to leave tomorrow morning or this evening? Either way, I am all ready packed.

Vergil, regardless of when I leave, would you like to have dinner before I leave?
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