❧ Fourth Page ❦ Scavenger ❦

Sep 12, 2010 09:39

[ There's a fluttering gollem behind bushy hair as Hermione makes her way through the thick brush of the forest before the black tower. There's a basket in her hands and a long black coat around her. If anyone ever bothered to make the assumption, she really did look like a witch.]

Now, if only I could find one of those beetle's- Ah!

[She placed the basket down on the floor and took out what appeared to be a small jar from the other jar's in it and ran towards the bark of a tree. The Gollem captured a black beetle scurrying over the rough bark as Hermione snatched it to inspect. A small frown appeared across her lips.]

No, this isn't it. I should have known.

[She sets it back on the branch before going back towards her basket, she seems to find herself preoccupied with strange leaves as she knelt down to investigate. It is then that she realizes the feed is running.]

I'm quite relieved I don't have a mission for these upcomming weeks, it gives me time to work on this potion or more advances on the machine. However... [And she busies herself with her leaves, cutting them off and putting them in seperate jars. She's hiding her face by now.]

Vergil, are you leaving soon? You'll be missing my birthday if you do.
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