❧ Second Page ❦ Paranoid ❦

Jul 08, 2010 07:31

[Hermione has finally found the library and has surrounded herself with various volumes and books while quickly dabbing away notes on old parchment. The towers seem to never end, rows of finely stacked books keep filing around her. Beside her on what appears to be a very modified couch rests an empty space. She keeps turning to eye it nervously before looking back towards the direction of the door. When she sees nothing, she heaves a little nervous sigh of impatience and goes back to scribbling notes.]

Things have become alarmingly quiet ever since the first wave of misfortunes was dealt with.

[There's a strange rumbling somewhere and she stops to listen. A few seconds later, she's back to scribbling furiously away.]

Although these books are old, well, Contemporary definitions and such are far too old and somewhat misleading in comparison to my era, they are useful to give us but a slight idea as to what we're facing. Hopefully, everyone who has killed a beast did not just go into the fight without previous knowledge or insight. That's how people die, I'll remind you.

[She's turning the page to an incredibly dusty book as a cloud of thick dust picks up. She starts coughing and begins to fan away at the air. Another low rumble that made even her book stacks shake overtook the library again. She stopped and just stared for a moment.]

Vergil, have you finished hunting whatever it was you were going to hunt? Just curious...

[She's not scared. Shut up. She just prefers having her back-up just in case, you know, she gets attacked. Hermione is paranoid.]
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