gunna post about my day

May 09, 2005 01:32

so woke up around 10 talked to my parents and got my curfew pushed back a ways to round 11:15 yay don't think i'll be needing it soon though :-( then i went to santinas house and said hi before work. then iwent to wor kwhich sucked. i worked straight through my 10 minutes break imbetween shifts but i was able to get my parents their tables. My back really hurts though and i can't wait to make more money when i am getting more tables. I made about 86 dollars for the day and had a dollar from when i started. i got out at 9 which wasnt very fun but it meant i worked 9and a half hours straight which i didn't know i could do. then i i got a full tank of gas and spent lotsa time looking for flowers couldn't find any and bought the next best thing. scratchtckets then i went to santinas she likes the tickets but sadly didn't win any money (and damn i'd been looking forward to a new car too) then i sat with her while she watched a movie. i spent my time looking at the clock and fathoming how long i had been awake until she was done with it. then we drove the movie back to bart and gregs and by that i mean i let her drive cause i'm teaching her how. slowly. we talked for a little while which kinda made me sad because i love her and i realized i'd been pretty overprotective and suspisous and smothering and generally an asshole to her for a long time but i'm hoping i can make it up to her. umm then i drove home and here i am wow .. ok bye
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