Mar 06, 2006 10:16
yeah i havent updated in a while. havent had the most free time, but by no means have i been so busy i couldnt have updated in a while. lemme quit actin like i got a responsibility to yall, damn near no1 reads this(and comments to let me know they read it, timich i know y u dont comment, u straight). oh well, thats not what i do this for. i really like how i can read thru my journal and remember events. so much is forgotten, but when i write shit down, i get to think while i write. and plan things out and understand events better. then i forget all that progress i made until i reread my journal. its a vicious cycle...
so heres whats been up wit me. things with toya are weird. sometimes we're friends, sometimes kinks get in the way of that. like at this moment, im not sure if we're friends or not. an acquaintance told me that its basically impossible to be friends right after a break up if love was involved, so we shouldnt even try for a while. while that may be true, i dont know if thats possible either, for us to stay away from each other altogether.
its not like im sprung on her still, ive pulled a couple phone numbers, nuthin's really panned out so far but thats cool, im chillin. not girl-crazy. chill during the week, weekends i go out. catchin up wit ppl i didnt talk to much before before i was always with toya. me and brandy talked a lil, she just happened to send me an email askin whats been up wit me. hadnt talked to her in like a year or 1.5 years. in that time shes broken up wit her old fiance and gotten a new one. hilarious. and i need to call tiffany, but i lost her new number. so ima try to call her mom at the old number to get tiff's new one(explanation:tiffany moved out the house.)
me and ron(partner-in-rhyme) have gotten pretty close. God planned that, the coincidences are limitless. we're pretty similar ppl yet not. we're both still going thru break-ups with girlfriends that we got with around the same time. and we spit together, so of course we spend time together. but now that we're both single and workin on our releases, we're around each other much more than before. he's makin me realize that i can be funnier than i thought, crackin on ppl. and i let him be hisself, without being "on" for ppl.
u know how cats sometimes find out ur funny, then they want u to be funny all the time. we all do that sometimes, but we dont realize how thats stereotyping a persons behavior. like they arent allowed to be mad, or laid-back sometimes. ppl arent one-dimensional. hes that person ppl expect to always be funny. its cool most times but i know it gets annoying, i been there before.
so we've got three releases coming. im not sure if i explained any before, so im doin it again. a promo called The Free Labor Movement, mostly on stolen beats. thats almost 2/3 written. not much recorded tho. i have a solo promo/mini-mixtape called Thru Playin Round Here. the theme is gonna be the boondocks, using clips between songs and shit(like huey's screamin at the ppl attendin the rkelly trial when he says the words used in the title.) thats gonna be ill, most of its written(buncha one-verse short songs), none recorded. then ron has one called Cuz We Really Needed Another Gangsta Rapper:The Hood Thru The Eyes Of A Neighbor. its theme is that there are 2 many gangsta rappers, so he's somethin different. plus he's describing things he sees, stupid shit he sees in the hood(like there being 2 many gangsta rappers), the hood isnt a neighborhood cuz nobody's neighbors(yes i listen to de la soul.) 2 songs of that are recorded, i dont know what hes got written.
neighborhoods are now hoods, cuz nobody's neighbors/
just animals survivin wit that animal behavior/
so those are those. cant wait for them shits, they're gonna be phat. later today im gonna post some work. either a rhyme i wrote yesterday, or my poem/verse for the intro to The Free Labor Movement. till then peace