i'd rather be right than happy

Apr 27, 2005 09:08

i don't know how many of you are aware of this, but my employer offers a weight watchers program, once a week on tuesdays during lunch (ha). i reluctantly signed up for the first session 3 months ago, and within the first two weeks i was showing real progress. Nine pounds lost in a week is nothing to sneeze at. I changed nothing about my diet. I seriously and absolutely do nothing differently from a week to week basis. I eat whatever i want whenever i feel like it. Swiss Cake Rolls, homemade pineapple-kiwi smoothies, soy milk, Take 5 candy bars, low fat anything. It doesn't matter. By the next week i lost another three pounds.
Then it went up six.
Then it went up two.
Then it went down five.
Up four.
Down two.
Up NINE!?!?
Up one.
Down four.
It's completely fucking ridiculous. I think i'm at the point where my body almost refuses to lose any more weight than it has already lost, which sucks because i already signed up for the next session. I'll tell you why i signed up again. I thought i was going to just quit. I thought i would be content. On the very last week of the previous session, I went in to get weighed. Down three and a half. It was enough to give me hope, hope for a better me.

My point is, they rig the scales. And if they were drug dealers, that kind of shit would get them killed. They just want these low self-esteem fucks to keep coming back and stuffing their already bloated coffers with greasy wadded up ten dollar bills, like some sort of ego lap dance or mind fuck if you will.
I'm not going to do anything differently, i'm still going to attend. But i'm making notes of the nonsense and i'm going to definitely bring down the weight watchers infrastructure within the next 10 weeks. Trust me.
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