(no subject)

Oct 17, 2005 03:04

I can't remember.................fuck balls. Fun and drama brents hou8seesasdsacfewacilrehwcirriuewhvrew;i.qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. good luck. scream fuck shit. in your face twrfds gf im''fds proving thisxwqC.

Last night Alyssa stayed at my house. I love that. Just relaxing and waking up in the middle of the night to Alyssa- that's priceless. then we watched some lame wine tasting movie as my dad sat there, looking at cars in a magazine hella stoned. Cool! Yea right.

I took stephen's shift today 'cause I want hella cash, and ................shit I hope he is cool he is cool with switchen' for home coming night.

Rode millssss creeekkksssss park for whhhileeess. Then we went to jackson. I wasn't runnin' pegs so I didn't do shit.

Sean did the doublekink by the gym. nutS!
mY NECK IS fucked somehow.

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