Quick update before work.

May 17, 2007 12:12

I felt compelled to write. Things are going very well right now. So much anxiety. Exciting yet nerve racking. Niki is amazing. 1 year and 9 months :). Wednesdays are probably one of my favorite days in the past couple of weeks. Look at houses, then mommydaddy time, then art night. Its great to paint. It's getting really popular all of a sudden.

July is going to be cool.

1st - Move in to new house.
7th - Niece/Nephew born.
Somewhere inbetween - go to Decatur for unveiling of memorial
21stish - Cody's wedding.

Its exciting.

Bright Eyes was amazing in concert (May 9th).

P.S. - Linda Booker is really nice.
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