A fragment of this song popped into my head this morning & stuck there playing in a loop. Finally after a very long time of not know who created it or what the song actually said I have looked it up.
Hey, I have seen these guys on the stage! ;)
Steel is circulating
The air is cold
Mirrors reflecting
The sky
Cover the sun
A huge machinery
Slowly rotates
I close my eyes
My thoughts become wings
I fly high in the sky
You are already waiting
We kiss us in the clouds
The future is rotating
The cold bites
All of us in uniforms
Like robots
Movements equated
Here is mind control
You're violating virtual morality
Corporal punishment
Sets in now
The pain pulsates
My thoughts become wings...
Skydiving is one of the best and most stupid things I have done in my life. It was so beautiful! And amazingly simple. Let me rewind back to the stupid part.
I worked this weekend. So eight hours Friday night into Saturday morning. Ordered sleep on demand and got four hours rest. Then met up with MT; we met everyone else at the airport by 1pm. I kept my headcold an unspoken truth and made my jump. Nobody asked me if I was sick... After the jump I lost hearing in both ears. My left ear eventually cleared while we were still there (took an hour or so). My right ear remained blocked until about ten hours later. The theory is that mucus from the headcold was driven into the sinus channels out toward my ears! I refused to watch the video of my jump and so will never know if snot came out of my ears during the freefall. I went home as soon as I could but only got two more hours before Saturday night at work. The adrenaline rush was so effective at keeping me awake that I could have easily stayed awake Sunday except maybe not Sunday night for work.... stupid = work too much and fun too much and sick too much
Maxxed out on everything this past weekend.
Freefall is mostly a blur. The guy that managed my tandem jump is mostly a blur. He was cute / this I do recall. My oh-so sweet jumpsuit and harness were very thrilling to wear. The owner suggested I take off my pants and just wear the suit: this was half of a good idea (I took off everything in the changing room).
The plane was more on the order of an airborne tin can, but somehow six people fit into it. It took us up 2 miles. The parachute brought us back.
I never thought this was going to kill me. I am still sorting out what it has done to me, but the thrill has woken me up! Sparks, ideas are percolating in my head.
This stunt was not my idea. A couple crazy people from blood bank 3rd shift wanted to do it and realized it was much cheaper to do it in a big group. I said yes, but now I know that this was something that I could have done on my own.
So...I want to do it again.