Jennifer Wilbanks: The Best Mistake I Ever Made
By Robert Paul Reyes
Jennifer Wilbanks, the Runaway Bride, called her decision to run away "the best
mistake I ever made" When Katie Couric questioned Wilbanks about her feelings about
the night she disappeared, she replied, "That night, in that moment, it really became
a life or death decision for me...But at the same time, it's the best mistake I ever
made...It allowed me to realize that I desperately needed help. And it humbled me enough
to ask for that help."
Those four words "Best mistake I ever made" tell us everything we need to know
about Jennifer Wilbanks.
Wilbanks is a devout born again Christian, she sees the world in black and white terms:
Right and Wrong, good and bad, Christians and sinners... Like most evangelicals I'm sure
she is quick to judge others for their sins, but when it comes to her own behavior things
start to get a little bit fuzzy.
Instead of confessing "It's the worst sin I ever committed", she rationalizes,
"It's the best mistake I ever made." Leaving her fiance at the altar is not a
mistake, it's a sin. Inconveniencing a lot of people and causing her friends and family
pain and anguish is not a mistake, it's a sin. Lying to the police is not a mistake, it's
a sin and a crime. Making up a story about being kidnapped by a Hispanic is not a mistake,
it's a sin and racism of the worst kind.
Evangelical Christians claim that they have died to self and that their only goal in life
is to glorify God, but with Jennifer it's all about herself. "It's the best mistake I
ever made." It allowed ME to realize the I desperately needed help. And it humbled ME
enough to ask for that help."
Jennifer Wilbanks doesn't seem too concerned about her wedding guests that she left
holding the bag; she doesn't shed any tears about wasting the time of the police -- she is
only concerned about herself. She analyzes her crimes and misadventures only from the
perspective of how it affects her.
Yeah, Jennifer I guess it was the best mistake you ever made. It's resulted in a book and
movie deal that will make you even wealthier than you already are. Just do me a favor,
shut up already about your Christian faith. Your actions have demonstrated that the only
faith that you hold dear is faith in your ability to manipulate the media.
About the author: Robert Paul Reyes is a columnist for the Lynchburg Ledger.