All kinds of crazy stuff

Apr 08, 2003 13:58

Fannish Stuff

I started out small. X-Files was my first internet love affair and I fell hard. I found Gossamer and spent an entire summer going thorough the archives. My love flickered around Season 6 of the t.v series and now it's just a fond memory. But I still look at my saved stories.

Then came Stargate SG-1. Ah, Jack and Daniel. Not a huge amount of good fiction, but the good stuff that is out there is very good.

I started following Smallville from the moment the fandom started. I'm a huge comic book geek, especially DC, so a fresh perspective on Superman? I was glued to the t.v. Clex 4 eva! The amount of great fiction out there is astounding. And, seeing authors that I know from other fandoms is such a kick.

Finally, even though I tried so damn hard to resist it, Harry Potter sucked me in. It's wrong, it's wrong, I'm too old to be in love with these characters, even when they are of legal age (which is the only fic I'm comfortable reading), but damn it! The talent in the fandom sucks me in.

So, I've decided to start reccomending at least one fic a day. Who the hell am I to rec a story? Well, I'm doing this for a couple of reasons:

1. I love to read. I mean love it. I've been reading books since I was a wee little thing and I believe I have an eye for a good story.

2. It will prod my sorry ass to actually feed back the authors who have given me so much pleasure over the years. If I schedule to do these rec's once a day (disclaimer: unless there is an emergency in r/l that prevents me from posting) I will also make it part of that schedule to post feedback to the author. Of course, if the author doesn't want feedback, I will respect their wishes.

3. All the cool kids do it.

So there it is. I'm doing this more for motivation for myself, but if I can point someone to a gem of a story that was missed that's just icing on the cake.

**clears throat**

Rec o' the day - A Sort of Walking Miracle by the marvelous rivkat. I fell in love with RivkaT while reading her amazing Iolokus, co-authored by the equally talented mustangsally78. Rivka's ability to pack a hell of a punch has carried over to Smallville fan fiction. Amazing story of a future that is scary, seductive and not so far-fetched. Great characterization, which is impressive because of the universe the story is set in. Go read it!

**wipes off the sweat from all of the linking and taging**

Rec o' the day 2 - Something I Don't Already Know by liviapenn. Lois Lane! Nerd Clark! Season One Chloe! More than one dimension Superman! Seriously though, I love this story. Smart dialogue, Superman the Movie and Superman II references, a good plot and just all around yayness.

Now I'm going to write two (two!) feed back emails, and send them off! Go team me!

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