(no subject)

May 04, 2005 22:52

Hey! This is knonnertz live from my special chair. It's special because it helps keep my spine alined when I don't want to wear my back brace.
I've decide to poot up a livejournal on the interweb so everyone can read *wheeeze* about our great adventures.
My bestest friend martzzz is my partner in crime *hah snort hah snort hah snort*
Today's topic is lovvvvvvvve.
Today, the hotxxxxcore PAC member almost looked at me. I felt so dirty. Do you guys think im ready for the next step...*wheeze*... like holding hands?
The light reflected off his shiny B-ball shorts.
His interconnected eyebrows ruffled in the wind.
*cry wheeze cry wheeze*
Will he never look in my direction?!
Martz was there to comfort me, good thing too. She stroked my new back brace, and wispered sweet nothings into my hearing aid. We walked home together, I had a lot on my mind.
what is real love?
will the PAC ever look in my direction?
*wheeezeeee sighhh wheeezeeee*
this has been Captian Knonnertz, over and out!
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