Oct 16, 2005 01:14
Do you ever see a movie or hear a song that intrigues thought. That makes you think about all you have, all you've been through, and all your going to experience. I mean one of those moments of clarity. Where everything seems so confusing yet it comes in clearer than you've ever seen it before. Why do we meet the people we meet? Why do we go the places we go and do the things that we do? There has to be a rhyme or reason to it all. It all fits together in a big scheme also known as your life. No matter how crazy and messed up things may seem, they always have a way of working themselves out. There is always a bigger lesson to be learned. Something bigger than you. As people, most of us have a hard time looking past our own lives and the lives of those close to us. But in reality, life is a big series of chain reactions. You never know who you are affecting, and what they will do with what they have learned from you. I think its fate. I think every person we meet and every event we encounter in our life happens for a reason. I mean it must. Thinking back on past friendships, past hardships, past experiences, they have all been beneficial to me. No matter how hard, how painful, how sad. They happen at just the right time, at he just the right place. And when you have done what you needed to do, its gone. Just like that. But not before making a permanent affect on the person you have become.. Changing you forever. Whether it be small or big. So to me, everyday is a miracle, and every person you meet, every thing that you do, every moment of every day contributes. So you should never revel in the past. The past is simply a series of events and people that add to the chain affect of life. The affect they had on you will some how affect the next person you meet. You are your past. You are a living, breathing testimony of your past. So you can only live for today. You carry your past with you wherever you go... but today, and tomorrow... are uncertain. I think that when you truly look at someone, when you talk to them, you can see who they are, where they've been, and where they come from.. just in their eyes. You can see things that they may not even realize about themselves yet. People are amazing like that. But all of this sums up to one thing, living your life and discovering who you are. Thats what its all about. You get one life to live, so find out who you are, what you believe in, and take pride. Because it took a lot to get you to that point. Some people spend their wholes lives not truly knowing who they are, because they are hiding something, they are stuck in the past and cant move forward, or they are just too scared to actually find out. Scared of emotion, scared to feel anything. Because its easier to pretend its not there then to feel it sometimes. But take a chance. Because you never know what new doors you will open for yourself that will change the rest of your life.
Wow.. sorry about the rambling.. I just had one of those thought provoking moments... you know the kind that for one split second you feel as if the world actually makes sense. I dont even know if it makes sense. I just started typing at that is what came out. Anyways.. I should sleep.. its late, and im pretty tired. Goodnight