Stats & Permissions

May 26, 2010 12:48

CLASS | Flick Reaper
LEVEL | 150

EQUIPPED WEAPON | Goddess Scythe (lvl. 127) - Mortal; halves the enemies' HP on a critical hit.
EQUIPPED ARMOR | Purify Armor (lvl. 145) - Emperor's Armor heavy armor equipped with World Mirror, which nullifies all status effects.
EQUIPPED ACCESSORY | Zoned Slant Hood (lvl. 120) - Simple Slant Hood equipped with Seed of the Land, which reduces the SP cost of all skills by 25%
MEMBER ADDRESSES | everyone, including your mom. ;)

PKING? | I'd like to see you try
4TH WALLING? | Once again, I'd like to see you try &hearts
THREADJACKING? | Y, because we love shenanigans
HUGS/KISSES/PUNCHES? | LOL SURE! He'll dere dere for the first two, but expect to get his yanyan side if you punch him.

THINGS NOT TO BE MENTIONED? | It's quantity not quality with him so say whatever you want, just don't do it more than twice.
THINGS TO KNOW INTERACTING WITH THIS CHARACTER? | He calls Kain 'Big Brother' and kinda... follows him around like a puppy. >8 Otherwise, he's pretty chill and likes to mess with people while helping them. No, seriously, keep an eye on your items if you recruit him into your party.

Stats 'borrowed' from Kain-senpai ;p
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