Aug 06, 2004 10:03
Is it just me or has everyone gotten a lil too touchy (for a lack of better words) within the last month? Maybe it's cuz we're getting stressed cuz school is starting and people are realizing summer is almost gone. It's really annoying though cuz one minute everything's cool then with the actions of one day, you and your friend are mad as hell at each other for no apparent reason. I've seen it at least four different times in the last month and to me it seems so pointless to be mad at someone, in most cases not even tell the person that your mad at that you're mad. That could possibly be the most outrageous thing I've heard. I can't even begin to comprehend why I would be mad at someone and not tell them I'm mad. When I'm mad Im gonna let you know so it can be fixed and we can all move on with our happy lil lives. But honestly, if you've got a problem, let it out, it makes everyone elses job a hell of a lot easier. Now I know I'm just ranting and raving bout this but this really pisses me off. I hate it how you can lose some of your best friends over these stupid "he said, she said" bullshit child games. We're all adults here for the most part and it's about damn time we start acting like it instead of pissy lil whiney brats who need to be kicked in the face. K? It'd make everything smoother, lets just be blunt with each other from now on, feelings will get hurt I gurantee that, but we're all friends, and after a lil ride on what I like to call the drama rollercoaster, we'll all realize how retarded we've been acting and move the fuck on. I dunno why this is such a big issue for some people, like they thrive on it, they need it to live. They crave drama, and thats sad. Everyone just needs to sit back, put it on cruise control and enjoy the freakin ride, I promise it'll be alot more fun than all this emo shit were causing. Anyway this is really taking up some of my time so I'm gonna end it before I get on another topic. But don't worry, I'm sure the oppurtune moment for that column will rise very very shortly. Til then, get over it, eh?