Oct 31, 2005 21:29
I look to the north, to the east, to the west,
To the south; Lord knows that I'm trying my best
To keep hope alive, while I'm passing this test.
I look to You, my Father God, to lead me to rest.
I walk, through the pain, through the struggle, through the rain.
Fight the strain, play the game. Man it's like pullin the mane
Of a lion, or a horse. You know it'll tear you to pieces
And you hang on for dear life until the pressure releases.
But it don't ever stop. Do you break, do you pop?
Do you flop? Do you quit before you make it on top
Of the world like you dreamed? It was when that it seemed
That what you thought you had was lost and it could not be redeemed?
All the tears, conquered fears, and all the planning for years:
It was clear, and what you'd done back then had brought so it near...
But now look at you, boy. What did you do with your joy?
You're not what you should be -- even yourself you annoy.
Indeed alot has happened that you couldn't control
And it's taken it's toll, and it's burdened your soul
To the point where you just don't wanna try anymore
And you fall on the floor and the tears start to pour.
And you weep, and you sob, and your head starts to throb.
Then you look at the knob. "Who's coming in?" It's your mom.
So the tears dry up quick and you swallow your sickness.
You cannot let her see you in a moment of weakness.
You have got to be strong; through the day, all night long.
You're the ding for their dong, and you right all the wrongs
That you can, but you can't do it all by yourself
And you start to feel useless like the dust on a shelf.
And it hurts, yeah it stings, all the pain that it brings.
What a shame it is when an eagle can't soar on its own wings,
Yet you fight through the pain and you keep hope alive.
That's the one thing in your life you swore you'd never let die.
You dry off your eyes and your sobs turn to sighs
And you keep pressing on, pressing forward to the prize.
The pain turns to fury and the fury turns to flame
That ignites the drive in you and helps you continue.
You strive through the scorn though you're weak and you're worn.
The body gets torn, but the hope gets reborn.
Your dreams seem so real now, you almost can taste it.
You just need an opportunity. You've sworn not to waste it.
You try and you fail, and you rise, and you fall,
And you flex, and you stretch, and you give it your all
But it's not good enough, you're told your smooth's just too rough,
But deep inside you know that you are made of the right stuff.
I'm gonna rock this test, I'm gonna shock this test,
10 years from now I'll come back and I'll mock this test
And I'll run with the best, and I'll be led to rest
And I'll never stop until there's no more beat in my chest.
But there's always a catch. There's a mis to your match.
From the massive jaws of defeat you are determined to snatch
Your victory. My destination I cannot see,
But the hindrance isn't permanent that stands before me.
I just gotta find a way to get through, past the now,
Then the life from the I will come like milk from the cow.
Will my lifesong sing for You? I guess we'll just have to see
But first lemme check the mic: Testing, testing 1 2 3