I haven't updated in ages but ive made about 3 banner batches and 2 icon ones. ill post them over time though. This is the first one, 25 icons, and 14 banners. enjoy ok.
so i'ts been a while obviously, and I probably didn't say this but i got my diana mini about a month ago! its awesome i love it. I was really bummed because I got blank negatives and they made me pay. I still have another roll to shoot but my favourites were on the last one. I want to go back into the center to get a few of the same, like in the comic book store, behind the canals, the doc martens etc but my brothers to tired to take me in. maybe ill show you my next roll. Ill definitely post it on my flickr so yeah. developing is pretty insane though, costs half the camera. anyways back to the first batch--