
May 24, 2010 02:58

Name/Handle: Pari/Chloe
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Timezone: MST/-7:00 GMT
Personal LJ: pariah164
E-Mail: pariah164[at]
AIM/other: AIM: chloeisangenius
Is English your primary language?: Yes'm


Series: Scott Pilgrim
Series' Medium: Graphic novels

Character: Knives Chau
Age: 17
Sex/Gender: Female
Canon Role: Former love interest of the main character, still part of his 'close friends' group. Rating: Totally crazy
"Real" Name: Mary Lynn Peterson

How long have you roleplayed your character, if at all?: I have never played as Knives before.

Where have you roleplayed in general and/or with this specific character?: Please consult the above answer.

Are you personally familiar with your character's canon?: I have read all five volumes of Scott Pilgrim so far, and intend to read volume 6 (the final volume) once it is released.

Please give us a personal history of your character's life and explain to us in detail how they grow and develop over the course of their canon:

A NOTE: The Scott Pilgrim universe is full of fourth wall breaking, improbable power ups, and people turning into money and/or bunnies when defeated/killed in battle. The series itself is set in a pseudo reality setting, where you may not have people walking upside down with laser guns, but you do have people who are able to slice trolleys in half with a single sword strike and people with vegan superpowers (long story, please don't ask).

Knives Chau is a Chinese-Canadian whose life, like many others, began with her kicking and screaming after she was brought into the world. It continued normally (mostly) for a Chinese girl: she was pressured by her parents to do well in school, allotted little alone time (even when her sister was born two years later), and enrolled into a Catholic school. The 'mostly' is due to her father (an expert swordsman) teaching her from a young age how to wield a knife correctly. It's unknown whether she is named Knives or if 'Knives' is just a nickname, but in five volumes, two things are made clear: everyone refers to her by this, and that it's quite an apt name for her (you'll get an example of this in volume two).

It's when Knives was 17 and mostly comfortable with her spot in life that Scott Pilgrim came along and shattered her world.

She was on the bus with her mother after a trip to pick up study guides for exams; ironically, Knives's mother was telling her that it was time she got a boyfriend. Exasperated, Knives dropped her books, and the one to help pick them up was 23 year old Scott Pilgrim. Their relationship, from the start, was innocent. They mostly talked (even Scott said they held hands once, until Knives got embarrassed). One night, he took her to a practice session with his band, Sex Bob-omb. Though they weren't very good, Knives left the session starry-eyed, in total admiration.

Life continued on: Knives and Scott continued to date, though it was still all casual, usually with Knives talking about school as she took Scott to clothing stores, the library, or out for pizza. It was never 'serious', as far as relationships go. Then one night, after a day out with (a slightly distracted) Scott, Knives kissed him. Scott freaked out and ran off, but that didn't seem to deter Knives in the slightest. When she went to his next band practice and learned Sex Bob-omb had a show on Wednesday night, she immediately formulated a way to sneak out. And sneak out she did, greeting Scott at the gig with a new look, complete with a short haircut; Kim Pine, the drummer of Sex Bob-omb, commented on how Knives was starting to look like her, so the change of style might have been to try and impress Scott and emulate her new favorite band. Knives also kissed him again before he went backstage.

When Sex Bob-omb finally got on stage to perform, a man named Matthew Patel appeared, attempting to deliver a diving punch to Scott's face. Scott deflected the blow, following it up with a chain of punches that cemented his friends' claims that he was the strongest fighter in the province. It turned out that Matthew was fighting Scott over a girl named Ramona; he was one of Ramona's seven evil ex-boyfriends, each of whom Scott would have to defeat to go out with her. Whether Knives heard this information or not is unclear, but either way, she provided backup for the musical battle that soon ensued, with Scott emerging the victor.

A few days passed, and eventually, Scott and Knives went out on another date. However, this was short lived; after Knives said she was in love with him while at a music store, Scott dumped her. Knives was despondent, and then in denial. She once called Scott's place (which was actually his gay roommate, Wallace's place), intending to talk to him, only for Wallace to find out she was calling from right outside the front door. He told her to leave. As two weeks passed, Knives' actions escalated, to the point where she was stalking Scott, and learned about his new girlfriend - Ramona.

Calling Ramona a 'fat-ass hipster chick', Knives invited her best friend Tamara Chen over to her house to vent. During the conversation, Knives dyed the front section of her hair bright red as she changed her look once more. Her new look consisted of mostly black clothes, paired with a long blue-and-gold striped scarf. Knives told Tamara that she would take Ramona out of the picture, despite Tamara calling her crazy.

Knives eventually found Ramona at the Toronto Reference Library and attacked her with (wait for it) a pair of knives (or daggers; pick your poison). She realized she had seen Ramona before while out with Scott, and judging by Scott's reaction at the time, Knives came to the conclusion that Scott had been cheating on her with Ramona. Ramona, on the other hand, was clueless as to who Knives was. Knives then proceeded to continue her attack, while calling herself a 'Scottaholic'. The pair fought (mostly with Knives spewing insults) until Knives jumped up a few floors and got away. She left a note for Ramona that read, "You're ugly and I hate you."

The next time anyone saw Knives, it was at a gig for The Clash At Demonhead, whose lead singer, Envy, used to date Scott. On the rebound, Knives was together with Young Neil, another fan of Sex Bob-omb who bore a striking resemblance to Scott. After The Clash at Demonhead performed, Knives, Young Neil, and the members of Sex Bob-omb met with the other group backstage; Envy had called Scott a couple of days earlier, wanting Sex Bob-omb to open for her group that weekend. The conversation between the two music groups was awkward, made even more so by Knives telling Envy that she kissed the lips that kissed her (referring to Scott). The comment set Envy off, and Knives had the red highlights punched out of her hair by The Clash at Demonhead's drummer, Lynette Guycott, who had a bionic arm. Knives left with Young Neil, in tears.

Knives disappeared for a time, reappearing the night Sex Bob-omb was opening for The Clash at Demonhead. In the alley behind the building, she confessed to Scott that she was only dating Young Neil since he looked so much like Scott. She also happily admitted that she still loved Scott before she left. Not too much later, a fight between Ramona and Envy broke out, and Knives (who hadn't left after all) saved Ramona, claiming she only wanted Scott's happiness. Scott then saved both Ramona and Knives by touching Envy's weak spot (the back of her knee). He soon went on to defeat Ramona's third evil ex-boyfriend (Todd, Demonhead's drummer and Envy's current boyfriend) before Knives told him to perform with Sex Bob-omb.

After the events of that night, Knives went to sleep... only to wake up at Landel's Institute.

What point in time are you taking your character from when he/she appears at Landel's and why?:

I am taking Knives from the end of volume three. It's a point in the series where she is just starting to figure out what she wants for her and Scott, and where she thinks she's finally sorting everything out. In my opinion, there's no better way to get her all messed up again then to bring her in to Landel's at that point. Since her canon point differs from Scott's (who is from the end of volume four), it will be quite interesting to see how they react to each other.

Please give us a detailed description of your character's personality:

At a first, cursory glance, Knives Chau may seem like a normal 17 year old girl. She has friends, she's part of the yearbook club, she goes to school, does her homework, and of course, has guys on her mind (only, in her case, it's really just one guy). However, those who know Knives know there are layers to her, and like an onion, they aren't always that pretty.

Emotions are a big part of what makes Knives who she is. She makes no attempts to really hide how she's feeling. Whether she's happy, sad, disgusted, or any other feeling, it's written all over her face. She wears her heart on her sleeve quite a bit, and is prone to extreme reactions, especially when dealing with negative emotions as opposed to positive ones. Even when she's attempting to kick the ass of the girl she believes stole her boyfriend, she will stop to cry at the realization that she was being cheated on. On the flip side of that coin, perhaps to balance everything out, Knives seems almost stupidly unaware of the feelings of those around her, especially Scott.

Speaking of Scott, ever since Knives first met him, her goals, motives, and feelings centered around him, her, and the relationship they (sort of) had. Due to her minimal, almost non-existent experience with relationships, it was easy for a girl of her naivete to fall for him; he's in a band, has cool friends, and it helped that he's kind of handsome. Her changes in appearance and demeanor were spurred by her feelings for him, and even after they broke up, Knives was loathe to accept it, obvious in the stalker-ish way she continued to pursue him. Even after Scott rejects her (again) in volume three, she claims to still love him, and even saves the girl he left her for because she wants him to be happy.

Obsession is not an unfair way to describe Knives' feelings for Scott. However, this also extends to other things; when Knives was a fan of The Clash at Demonhead, her friend Tamara commented that she liked their music. Knives' response was to snap, "You can't have them! THEY'RE MINE!" She got over this particular obsession by way of a bionic arm to the face, but she is prone to similar obsessions with things that interest her currently.

Knives is a talker; she has no issues dominating a conversation. Many of her dates with Scott consisted of her talking about school and her friends, with very few interruptions from Scott. Even when she's with her best friend, Knives has no qualms about interrupting her or filling in blank parts of the conversation with her own thoughts. It can veer on the point of rambling, and sometimes random. A good example of this is when she told Envy she had kissed lips that kissed her (see history). This may also stem from the natural insecurities Knives has with herself; even though she's 17, she's still trying to explore and discover who she is.

Her age is something the creator of the series tends to emphasize quite a bit; she's the youngest of the group, but she's maturing (or at least attempting to), and already dealing with the same amount of emotional baggage most of the older cast is dealing with, even if the said baggage is of her own creating. All in all, Knives isn't sure what she wants at this point in canon, but she does want to figure it out, which is a step in the right direction.

Please give us a physical description of your character:

Knives is of Chinese descent, with black hair and a short, slender build. A color for her eyes has never been given canonly, but judging by recent color art from the artist, Bryan Lee O'Malley, it can be safely assumed her eyes are dark brown, if not black. Her hair is cut short, reaching just below her ears. Though she has gone through many styles of clothing, currently, Knives likes to dress in zip-up hoodies, with jeans and sneakers.

What kinds of otherworldly abilities does your character have, if any?:

In volume two, Knives made an almost ninja-like show out of defying gravity when she fled from Ramona, hopping up and down between floors of the library with ease. Though she hasn't shown such abilities since, it's safe to assume she still has them. Also, in volume one, when Knives was backing up Scott during his fight with Matthew Patel, it was clear that she and everyone else involved was lending him power to block and attack.

If present, how do you plan to tweak these powers to make your character appropriately hindered in the setting of Landel's?:

Knives may be able to still jump high, but it'll be limited to something more earthly. Think of her jumping abilities to be akin to that of the best high school high jumper. Perhaps only 6 feet into the air, rather than three stories. As for the power lending, that ability has been stripped entirely.

Does your character have any non-otherworldly abilities/training that surpass the norm?:

Knives is, well, good with knives. In volume two, she is able to wield a pair of daggers and throw them with impressive accuracy. Though this is the only time she is seen with weapons, it's safe to assume that her father's love of swords and other bladed weapons has been passed to her, and she can be dangerous with any short, edged weapon. She's also quite good at following people without them being aware of it.

What do you see your character doing in the scope of the game and how do you plan to use the setting of Landel's Institute to develop them and affect their psychology in a unique, interesting way?:

At first, Knives will be extremely confused and concerned for her well-being. She will probably just go along with the nurses and such at first until she realizes Scott is there. After that, woe betide the nurses and orderlies who try to pull her away from him. She'll trust him absolutely and believe whatever he tells her about Landel's. At the same time, she will probably do her best to assist him, especially when it comes to the night shifts.

As time goes on at Landel's, I hope that the experiences and the people help Knives learn that life is, indeed, bigger than Scott (or anyone she loves in the future, for that matter). Her biggest issue, I feel (at this point anyway), is that she feels she can't find her own happiness without Scott. She probably could have before she met him, but for some reason, meeting him changed that. I want her to have a lot of CR with other characters, especially people who have learned love (or lost love) doesn't mark the end of the world as they know it. A big problem in canon is that, save for her best friend Tamara, nobody has really tried to sit her down and tell her Scott isn't worth it, especially since Scott is so utterly devoted to Ramona. So basically, I hope this depraved, creepy place teaches Knives to find her own happiness and fight for her happy ending.

In the later volumes of the series, Knives seems to take a rather bitter stance about dating and guys in general; she breaks up and gets back together with Young Neil various times. Despite saying she only wants Scott's happiness, she still becomes a little upset when Ramona and Scott are together around her. It's just more of a quiet anger than the vocal, violent outbursts Knives was prone to before. This doesn't mean it's all out of system; later on, she gets into a brief battle with Ramona before telling her Scott, essentially, cheated on the both of them.

With Scott being at Damned with Knives, I think she may possibly see it as a second chance to prove herself worthy of his love. This may lead her to take risks and do things that she normally wouldn't. However, if we get a Ramona (Scott's mun will start pimping for one after volume six comes out), Knives may take the route she takes in the comics. She will still care for Scott and help him, but she will obviously be unhappy with the fact they're together.

Given that this RP takes place in an unsettling and outright horrific environment, how do you justify your character as being appropriate in both body and mind for this kind of setting?:

Knives is a competent fighter; she stayed toe to toe with Ramona, who's a pretty good fighter in her own right. She probably can easily improvise and make anything with a blade-like edge into a weapon, and that's not even bringing into play her natural athleticism. Though she has no formal martial arts training aside from the knife moves her father taught her, she can kick and punch (it's all in the mind) with the best of them.

Emotionally, Knives is not a stranger to being in a dark place. After she was dumped by Scott is the best example of her being lost, alone, and scared (even when she was stalking him). She may seem frail in that regard, but she's extremely quick to rebound, and can't stay depressed for very long. The time she was dating Scott, she was probably exposed to her fair share of horror and fighting games, and is probably better prepared for the monsters and scary times than she thinks she is.

applicatoon, knives, ooc
