Oct 15, 2005 09:30
10 Firsts:
¤First Best Friend: Lindsay Beth Bazzetta!
¤First Screen Name: Vigna Zirah maybe?
¤First Kiss: Sarah
¤First Piercing: aint got none!
¤First Crush: I think there was this one chick in like 2nd grade. Don't remember her name.
¤First Music: Country (father) Gansta rap (brubakers)
¤First Car: The fuckin shag wagon! Love that damn mini van!
¤First Love: Sarah!
¤First Stuffed Animal: Hmm. Im going to go with this frog that was dressed in a santa outfit. He was cool! Then one day hi head just fell off........that wasnt cool.
9 Lasts:
¤Last Cigarette: LMAO!!!!
¤Last Alchoholic Beverage: Rum and gatorade and rum and yoohoo.
¤Last Car Ride: Last night coming home from dropping off my love.
¤Last Kiss: Sarah
¤Last Movie Seen: The Notebook
¤Last Phone Call: To sarah leaving a VM (whoa lots of sarah is getting into this quiz)
¤Last CD Played: From Autumn to Ashes \m/>_<\m/
¤Last Bubble Bath: Lol!!! When i was like a kid.
¤Last Time You Cried: Hmmmmm last break down. long time ago.
8 Have You Ever:
¤Dated One Of Your Best Friends: Yes. We're dating right now.
¤Been Arrested: Not yet.
¤Skinny Dipped: nope
¤Kissed Someone And Then Regretted It: No.
¤Had A Sex Dream About Someone You Knew: Who knows. I dont dream much.
¤Had Sex: nope
¤Cheated: I WILL NEVER!!!!
7 Things You're Wearing:
¤1. Pirates of the Internet hoodie
¤2. Black T
¤3. Black pants
¤4. Curve
¤5. Old spice deodorant
¤6. underwear
¤7. socks
6 Things You've Done Today:
¤1. Woke up did the whole school thing. (not so good)
¤2. Chilled at Ashley's with Sarah and Sasha.
¤3. Had some pizza with Linz before the game.
¤4. My last football I will ever perform in.
¤5. Came back to my house and chilled with Sarah and Sasha
¤6. Went to Lindsays and watched The Notebook with her and Rissa.
5 Favorite Things In NO Order:
¤3. Music
¤4. Stars
¤5. Sleeping
4 People You Can Tell Anything To:
¤1. Sarah
¤2. Ben
¤3. Lindsay
¤4. .....yeah
3 Choices:
¤1. Black Or White: Black
¤2. Hot Or Cold: Cold
¤3. Chocolate Or Vanilla: Chocolate
2 Things You Want To Do Before You Die:
¤1. See Europe
¤2. Find peace for my life.
1 Thing You Regret:
¤1. Being thick headed!