Rapidfire thoughts at random

Sep 06, 2008 00:37

~ I swapped a jar of pear butter, a loaf of pear bread, and a loaf of banana bread for a hank of blue hemp yarn and a jar each of triple ginger pear butter and cardamom pear jam. Thank you so much, Debbie!

~ Discovered the hard way that the bead store in Redwood City is no longer there. But was delighted to discover there is a newish bead store in the back 1/3 of Commuknity now, called Beadz.

~ Got frustrated with HandpaintedYarn.com's delay in shipping (last I heard, my yarn is somewhere between Grawn, MI and here) and also had major second thoughts about the color I picked. So with the help of Sandy at Purlescence, I flexed my justification muscles and bought two hanks of Dream in Color's Baby laceweight in Black Parade. And Sandy, who loves grey/silver/lavender colored yarn much, much more than I do said she may be interested in trading something for my yarn when it eventually comes in. So, bonus.

~ I also bought a tube of 8/0 glass beads from Beadz. They're a pretty pretty blue. The lady who helped me was convinced I wouldn't like the color paired with the yarn. Funny.

~ So the first clue of Mystery Stole 4 came out this morning. I am surprised I can't find more than one person who has posted a picture of the completed first 34 rows of the pattern on Ravelry thus far. I am only 12 rows in, myself.

~ I got so engrossed in knitting on this stole that I forgot to eat dinner. I even remembered at one point that I forgot to eat dinner and went to heat up some soup in the microwave (yes, in this heat I thought to eat soup). And then I forgot about the soup. At this point I'm calling it quits and will just eat breakfast tomorrow.

~ The MS4 Yahoo Group message board is a fascinating place. People claiming they're going to call in sick to work so they can knit on the stole all day. People asking for advice and then getting butthurt by other people's seemingly terse replies. Freaking out that they don't have a color printer to print the multi-colored pattern. So stressful! I'd really rather just knit.

~ I have all the ingredients for curried squash and apple soup to go into the crock pot tomorrow before work (Also: Work! Woohoo!). I like the idea behind a crock pot but I think it may actually take more of my energy to cook stuff that way because I have to allot a certain large amount of time for it to cook. I also enjoy playing a more active role in my food preparation. I just don't do anything in my life in 8 hour increments that's conducive to my setting the thing to heat and then coming back to it for my finished food. And I'd probably just forget to eat it again anyway. But I am looking forward to this soup tomorrow.

project.mystery stole 4, okay so it's not knitting.pears!

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