When was my last day off, you may wonder? Two weeks ago tomorrow. In fact, tomorrow is my second of two days off this month. I plan to do absolutely nothing and love every minute of it.
On my last day off, I went to the beach with some friends. Where, despite it being 80 degrees inland, we froze our tits off in the foggy 55 degree weather. I had heard tell over the previous weekend that my hometown(ish) baseball team, the Baltimore Orioles, would be playing against Oakland that Monday night. And since I haven't been able to indulge my urge to shout "Oh!" in the middle of the National Anthem* at a live sporting event since I've moved out here, I got it into my head to go.
I wore an orange shirt and Koolhaas.
And wasn't the only person in the stadium to shout "Oh!" Although, it was really interesting to be the only person in the cheap seats rooting for the rival. Oakland won, of course, 2-1. At least I left early and only spent two hours in the cold that night instead of three, so I embarked on tech week with some semblance of good health under my belt.
Definitely fun. But I've got to admit, I don't enjoy baseball games in May that are cold. I'm rather glad I wasn't able to go to Stitch n Pitch last year, because I probably would have shown up in shorts and sandals and caught pneumonia.
In other news, I finally got a minute and a half to
post pictures of my third package from
* "OH! say does that star spangled banner yet wave..." in honor of the Orioles, don'tcha know.