This is so embarrassing.
So I've been knitting along like crazy on the
Maze sweater from No Sheep for You. I happily jumped right into the project, my first top-down sweater, and enthusiastically made it through the wild maze pattern across the chest and put stitches on the holders for the arms. Just last week I started on my third skein (of five) of black Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece and have to knit only 8 more inches (of 14 total) before I'm done with the body of this sweater. Everything was just peachy.
That is, until I sat in some good lighting last night and looked at my work. There was a distinct line between where the second skein ended and the third began. I took a look at the labels and realized... [dramatic pause] skein 3 came from a different dye lot from skeins 1 and 2. I looked at the remaining two skeins and wept (on the inside) when I discovered that I have three skeins from dye lot 077 and two from dye lot 085.
What is the first thing I say to a customer when s/he wants to buy multiple skeins of one color of yarn? "Let's make sure those are all from the same dye lot."
Did I even think to look at the labels when I grabbed them from the shelf to buy them? No.
Have I claimed openly in the past that matching dye lot numbers really isn't that important to me? I plead the fifth.
I called the store and found out that they have only one more skein in dye lot 077. So my solution is to rip back to the end of skein 2, knit the remainder of the body in 077 and the arms in 085. You know, so it'll look like I did it on purpose.
*sigh* I am so dumb.