Knitting Snark T-Shirts

Apr 17, 2006 09:15

As my friend
sistercoyote said in this morning's knitting report, I was inspired by a suggestion in a recent comment (that we should be a "reel club" with t-shirts and handshakes and all....), and was playing with some snarky t-shirts at CafePress this weekend, based on the various K_S tags. If you can't imagine actually wearing one of these (or giving them as a gift to a deserving somebody...), feel free to just giggle and move on. :)

Note that all designs are available in the full range of t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, stickers, etc (basically anything that particular design didn't look stupid on) -- there's a lot more than just what's pictured here.

Click on the pics or the links below them to see everything. Oh, and I take requests, too. :)


"GABYAW" Products
(That's "Get A Blog,
You Attention Whore!")

"Could You Be More Vague?" Products

"Call the PKN" Products
(That's the "Psychic Knitters Network", which helps those who can't be more vague.)

"Shut Up Shut Up Shut Up" Products

*Headdesk* Products

"Rolls Eyes" Products

*Penis* Products
(no, not that kind...)


"The Stupid, It Burns" Products

(peculiarly appropriate on a BBQ apron...)

"Thank the Academy" Products

"Manolo Wept" Products

"Look At Me!" Products

"Help Vampires Suck" Products
(isn't ambiguity fun?)

"Schadenfreude" Products
(schadenfreude \SHOD-n-froy-duh\, noun:

A malicious satisfaction obtained from the misfortunes of others.)

"Fed Up With This Crap" Products

"Psycho Hosebeast" Products

"Must Knit Everything" Products

"JFGI" Products

("Just F*cking Google It")

Suggestions for new designs are welcome!
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