Dec 22, 2003 19:07
I. copy this whole list into your journal.
II. bold the things that you have in common with me.
III. whatever you don't bold, replace with things about you.
01. I enjoy the scent of honey suckles in the early a.m.
02. I like to taste the rain.
03. I have an unhealthy addiction to the internet.
04. I'm horrible about writing/replying to email in a timely manner.
05. I love being silly
06. I love road trips.
07. I can't stand "scenesters"
08. I wish I could read mines
09. I'm really easily distracted.
10. I am obsessed with the hair on my head
11. I used to have every video game system
12. My first computer was a classic apple
13. I have a natural tendancy to not trust females.
14. I'm slightly obsessive-compulsive. (And not in the "Oh, I'm just saying that because I'm a whacky gal!" kind of way.)
15. I am taller than my mother.
16. I have a very small family.
17. English accents? love.
18. I don't know where I'll be 5 years from now.
19. I am a sucker for blue eyes and black hair.
20. I want to travel the world
21. I'm all for gay rights.
22. I hate people with the "I'm more _______ than you are" attiude
23. I love movies.
24. I am addicted to cheesy daytime soaps [like Passions ::sigh::]
25. I am addicted to clementimes
26. I have a bad habit of biting my lips and insides of my cheeks.
27. I think I'm not good looking at all
28. I envy people who have friends that they've known for years&years.
29. I have little feet.
30. I have anixety disorder
31. Aesthetically, I think that the violin is the most beautiful instrument in existence. (&I want one all hard, if only to display as a work of art.)
32. I cry whenever it's "that time of the month"
33. I procrastinate. A LOT.
34. I'm slighty nearsighted.
35. Try as I might, I simply cannot keep a "normal" sleeping schedule.
36. I get sad when people don't befriend me back
37. I am envious of all those thin people who eat mass amounts of food
38. I love color contacts
39. I do not know what next year will bring
40. I love music.
41. I really enjoy thoughtful gifts, even if they cost nothing. Still, I'll like almost anything just because the person took the time to pick it out.
42. I have fourteen piercings
43. I'm a bad bad person who downloads music rather than buying CDs (I buy it if I really like it).
44. I have four tattoos.
45. I'm Puerto Rican, German, and Polish.
46. I decided to go to school [University of Vermont] without once visiting the school.
47. My life cannot be complete if there aren't animals in it [my kitties are part of my family]
48. I'm obsessed with quotes from movies and shows.
49. I enjoy sexy shoes.
50. I hate being short.
51. I want to be famous someday.
52. I love mythology.
53. I am a packrat.
54. I have a passion, addiction, and love for websites. It's all I think and talk about.
55. I hate plucking my eyebrows.
56. I strive to be successful - so much so that I stress myself out.
57. Women get on my nerves so much more often than men. I've actually become terribly disillusioned with women.
58. I hate when people write "u r so kewl!! LoLz!! bewbies!!1one" English, learn it.
59. I would willingly be a martyr for my beliefs.
60. I hate typing with caps [as this is PAINFUL for me]
61. I am pretty absentminded.
62. I abhor Mariah Carey.
63. Canned peaches are a gift from god.
64. I'm attracted to people that make me laugh.
65. I waste too much time doing trivial things.
66. I hate exercise but I love the way I feel when I do.
67. I get nervous calling people, no matter who they are.
68. I can't go to sleep in total silence.
69. If I wake up alone, I feel sad.
70. I do not freak out when I meet "famous" people. They are just normal people to me.
71. If I had as much money as Paris Hilton, everyone reading this would get a million dollars. (Well ... a few of you, anyway. ;)
72. I love going to museums.
73. I always want to be like other people.
74. I enjoy stand up comedy.
75. I wish my friends online were my friends in real life.
76. I despise body hair.
77. I've unintentionally been a trendsetter
78. I rarely paint my fingernails, but my toenails are always polished.
79. I'm very loyal.
80. I've been swimming since before I could walk
81. I catch myself walking barefoot, on my toes, quite frequently.
82. I think newborn babies are hideous to look at. (At least for the first couple days).
83. I forgive but not forget
84. I want to be the best in everything I do. Sometimes I obsess over it.
85. I want to skydive or bungee jump... or both!
86. I always hear people call my name, even when there's no one around.
87. Me = addicted to chocolate.
88. I have the largest sweet tooth ever.
89. I used to want to be a forensic pathologist
90. I'm totally freezing right now.
91. Suzanne Vega's "Tom's Diner" is a song I can never get tired of listening to.
92. I used to put dig in the dirt and plant with my mother
93. I enjoy getting "tipsy". I despise getting "trashed".
94. I've knowingly done illegal things. I'll leave it at that. ;)
95. I used to hate livejournal, and thought it was useless and stupid. Now I love it and am addicted.
96. I LOVE Christmas. (And Halloween!)
97. I think my cat is happier in life than I am.
98. I am very rarely satisfied with anything that I create.
99. I love thermal tee-shirts.
100. I'm probably not the person you think I am.