
Sep 07, 2007 16:21

I saw something someone had knit within the last couple of weeks. I'm nearly 100% certain I saw it on this community, because the only other knitting community I'm a part of is

hp_knitting, and this particular FO was not HP related. Anyway, the yarn was sparkly and I think green, and the person had made a couple variations of the FO. I THINK it was a small scarf, but I can't be certain. I just remember how cool whatever the object was looked because of the sparkly yarn.

I bring it up because I was at Ben Franklin's today buying circulars when I decided to peruse the clearance items. I ended up buying one skein each of Stylecraft's Stardust (Double Knitting), 147 yds; Plymouth Yarn's Meteor (Italian Accents), 234 yds; and Bangles' Classic Elite Yarn, 83 yds.

The stardust looks much prettier but I couldn't get a decent pic so this will have to suffice.

I really liked them all, which is why I bought them. However, I know nothing about Nylon/Lurex (Meteor) or Viscose/Tactel nylon/nylon blends (Bangles). I was wondering if A. Anyone knows what I'm talking about with the FO I think I saw here, and B. If anyone has any ideas for this bunch (any, all, whatever! would do). Thanks so much in advance!

one skein

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