Apr 16, 2010 23:46
Work tonight sucked really bad so we’re not going to discuss it alright? After Nick and I were done with work we went over to Emily’s house and had a fire. We then proceeded to play some board games. I won Smart Ass. It was fun overall. People that were there: Alan, Emily, Nick, Me, Marcela, Bo, Courtney.
I have a golf meet tomorrow. 18 holes. Maybe I’ll do ok…maybe I’ll suck. I really with that I could beat the twins. That’s all I really care about. I haven’t been the medalist yet and I want to win! Damn it, Janet! I’m tired and I have to be up in approximately 7 hours and 50 minutes. We’re supposed to be at the range by 8! GRR JOHNSON!!! Goodnight. If you are reading this, comment, and then go update your own journal.