I was wondering where you've been! I've been watching fewer and fewer series myself lately and been leaning more heavily on games. XD So I understand that.
A lot of replaying mostly; the resident evils, the metal gears, starcraft, and some more guildwars. But as for new games; Metal Gear: Peacewalker, Red Dead Redemption, Lost Planet 2, and so on. With all of the pretty new games coming up I'm building up anticipation like crazy~
I take it you're doing the same. What are you playing?
It's cowboy prettiness with a main character that I ended up liking way more than I thought I would.
Mass Effect~~ So pretty. Dragon Age Origins is too. Wow, I never got awakening but the sheer amount of stuff to do in Origins is enough to make me happy. It's never ending!
Have fun at your concert! Yay for short weeks!
I take it you're doing the same. What are you playing?
Right now I am beating Mass Effect for the 9 billionth time and working on Dragon Age (about to beat Origins again and then start on Awakening).
Mass Effect~~ So pretty. Dragon Age Origins is too. Wow, I never got awakening but the sheer amount of stuff to do in Origins is enough to make me happy. It's never ending!
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