Jan 26, 2013 11:05
Having turned this thing on again, I ought to use it, eh?
I am swoon-y with happiness over two books I've read this month, Captain Vorpatril's Alliance and Among Others. Really really different books that both reminded me of why I so love reading.
And I'm v. amused over the vorkosigan titles, since it seems to me that they've all had double meanings for quite a while now. A Civil Campaign is about Miles' campaign to woo, but it's also about other campaigns. Kareen's campaign for independence, Dono's campaign to inherit. Diplomatic Immunity is about (literally) biowarfare but also about Miles and his diplomatic efforts to smooth over the mess created by the navy, and about how Miles and Ekaterin carry out an odd sort of diplomacy to stop a Cetagandan war.
Among Others really appealed to me in part because the main character is close to my own birth year. Mori is four years younger than I am, so most of the things she reads are things I read at about the same time. And her reactions and judgements being back so many memories and are making me want to reread lots of things.
Enough for today, time to enjoy a normal weekend in my normal rut of routine without extra worry! More naps, less cleaning the kitchen floor.