
Feb 12, 2012 08:02

Good morning, flist!  This week has been work and fighting a virus.  Such excitement, I don't know how to tell you.

Seeing TPM again yesterday was fun.  We were at the early afternoon show, and nearly all of the audience was dads with small kids; very few over 10 years old, lots of five year olds.  They were all absolutely riveted (and it's a long movie!) which was really fun to see.  I could even cope with them laughing for JarJar.

The Duel of the Fates still makes me gulp.  We thought there might be some tiny differences in the movie -- no blood spray when Maul falls away, I thought the cut away from the robe drop might have come a little earlier.  Visually the movie looked great;  as everyone else has said, the 3d (and maybe digital?) meant that all sorts of details were clear.  This included Obi-Wan's many haircuts and the nasty nasty wig.

Afterwards we went to dinner to celebrate Diane's birthday with Tish and and Diane's friend Angela.  Alsatian food FTW!  I really enjoyed the evening.

Oh, and this week's cooking:  nothing new, just my favorite weird pumpkin muffins, which are dead easy to make even if you're home sick with a cold.  One great big 29 oz can of pumpkin.  One box cake or muffin mix; I buy Dr. Oetker's' oatmeal muffin mix because it has no trans fats, but other people use spice cake or fiber one apple cinnamon muffin or whatever.  Half a cup of water and a lot of pumpkin pie spice.  Stir it all up, dump it into a muffin pan, bake at 325 or 350 until the muffins are looking browned on the too and your house smells wonderful.  The muffins will rise in the oven but settle back down as they cool.  The insides are very very moist and sticky and dense because of all the pumpkin, sort of like a pumpkin brownie. 
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