Title: Balancing Act
Author: knitekat
Word Count:
Characters: James Lester
Rating: 15
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: For P100 prompt 920 - Skating on Thin Ice. Part 29 of my
Cry Wolf verse. All you need to know is Lester is a disguised/undercover neo-Troodon.
Lester knew he had to be careful. One wrong step would see control of the project pass to his rival.
He was already risking his reputation as someone who could make the hard calls by his close association with his team. Even if he claimed it was only to keep an eye on them and any attempts to utilise the anomalies.
Helen was even more of a risk as she was a mammal who knew the truth about them. If the Queens found out… he had no wish to think of the consequences to this world or its dominant lifeform.