Primeval Drabble: Trouble At Sea

Jan 15, 2024 22:59

Title: Trouble At Sea
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 100
Characters: James Lester, Nick Cutter, Connor Temple, Team
Rating: 12
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: For P100 prompt 871: Scandinavia

Lester glanced up as Cutter strolled into the meeting, late as usual, Sarah on his heels. "So good of you to join us."

"We might have a problem."

"We might? Do try to be more concise."

"Sarah found a reference to a sea monster, Lyngbakr, from the Norse sagas."

"I'm sure this is fascinating, professor."

"My predictions indicate the anomaly will reopen tomorrow. A sailing regatta started today."

"Ms Wickes, call the..."

"Norwegian authorities."

"Inform them they have a possible incursion of..."

"Pliosaurus funkei."

“Which is?”

“Predator X,” Connor gasped. “That’s the biggest Pliosaurus."

“How excellent. Get me the Minister.”

drabble, connor temple, james lester, nick cutter, gen, team

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