Primeval fic: Preparation

Oct 08, 2023 18:06

Title: Preparation
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 310
Characters: James Lester/Matt Anderson
Rating: 15
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: I’m no idea where this came from originally as I found it in my WIP folder and decided to finish it. Idk, hopefully it makes sense.
A/N2: Thanks to Fred for the beta.

It had been a long week, with seemingly half the staff off and the other half either recovering from flu or coming down with it. Lester was just glad it was finally over and he could spend the weekend with his lover. “Matt?”

“I’m in the kitchen.”

Lester hurried in that direction, Matt’s cooking skills were… an acquired taste, to put it mildly. He opened the door and stubbed a toe as he almost tripped over a shopping bag. His eyebrow rose as he surveyed his kitchen, every inch of floor and work-surfaces seeming covered in shopping or shopping bags. “What is all this for?”

Matt looked up from the bag he was currently emptying. “We needed supplies.”

Lester resisted the urge to exercise his eyeballs. “For what? The coming apocalypse?” He cursed himself as those words passed his lips without thought. He quickly manoeuvred through the obstacle course in his kitchen and took his lover in his arms when Matt nodded. “You do remember we stopped that?” At least, Lester sincerely hoped they had.

“What?” Matt looked so delightfully confused for a moment that Lester just had to kiss him. “Oh no, not New Dawn. But the papers are full of stories about the flu and…” He trailed off when Lester shook his head fondly at him.

“No, Matt. Those are just headlines meant to get people to buy the paper. The shops won’t run out of anything.”

“Are you sure?”

“I am,” Lester assured him. “They’re like the internet. Not everything you read is true.”

“Oh, sorry. I just wanted to be prepared.”

The words Lester had been about to utter went forgotten as he spotted the several tubes of lubricant Matt had just pulled out of the bag. “Now that is one preparation I can get behind,” he murmured as he pulled Matt in for another kiss.

lester/matt, slash, james lester, primeval, matt anderson, fic

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