Primeval Drabble: Options

Jun 26, 2023 23:06

Title: Options
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 100 + 100
Characters: Helen Cutter, James Lester
Rating: 15
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: For P100 prompt 842: Imprisoned. Set in my Cry Wolf ‘verse.

Helen paced her cell deep into the night, sleep dragged at her but her mind would not, could not rest. Images of the horrors Lester and his fellow neo-Troodons might be planning, that they might even be doing this minute to humanity kept her from her desperately needed slumber.

If only she could escape... but where would she go? Even free, she could never trust anyone, for they might be a neo-Troodon.

No, Helen knew her only option was to remain imprisoned and hope Lester would slip up, that he would reveal something she could use against him, against them.

Lester paced his living room and fought to keep his killing claws still in his agitation, having little wish to buy new furnishings. He still couldn't quite decide what had vexed him the most-

The minister was an idiot and really, why had the mammals allowed him to rise to a position of power?

His team.. well, the less said about their actions, the better.

He cough-barked and allowed his anger to rise before, one gutted cushion later, he calmed. He knew there was little he could do about pretending to be a mammal, not when he knew the alternative.

helen cutter, au, neo-troodons, gen, james lester, drabble, primeval, cry wolf verse

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