Title: Unexpected Acquisition Author: knitekat Word Count: Characters: [Characters here]James Lester, Daniel Quinn, Helen Cutter Rating: 15 Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace. A/N: For P100 prompt 833: Buy One, Get One Free. Idk. Sideswipe?
Sir James Lester looked down his nose at his uninvited guests before turning his piercing gaze on the other miscreant in his life. “Why, might I ask, did you think we wanted two of them?”
“I found them.” Quinn shrugged. “I thought you wanted…” He gestured towards the subjects of Lester’s ire.
“What was it through the anomaly, ‘buy one, get one free’?”
“Why, James, you know about BOGOF?” One of them asked, thrusting her cleavage forward.
“Don’t bother,” the other murmured. “He’s not interested.”
Lester smiled. “Although, having two of you, Helen, does give us… scope with our questions.”