Title: Get Your Own!
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 100
Characters: James Lester, Connor Temple, Jon Lyle (OC)
Rating: 12
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: For P100 prompt 742: As Hot as Hades. Set in my
Under The Moonlight wolfverse and for the Connor Temple and Jon Lyle month.
Shadow sat in the scant shade, his tongue lolling as he panted, watching his team with a critical eye as they dealt with the aftermath of the latest incursion.
“It’s as hot as Hades, wouldn’t you be cooler without all the fur?” When Shadow ignored him, Connor shrugged and ripped open his ice lolly. He yelped when Shadow snatched it out of his hand and scoffed it in one. “Oi! Get your own!”
“I think he just did,” Lyle called out, before adding, “Get Lester to pay for it.”
“What?” Connor yelped again when Shadow’s tail hit him. “Oh, yeah.”